GeoComputation Conference Proceedings


Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on GeoComputation
University of Greenwich,
United Kingdom
23 - 25 August 2000

Sponsored by European Research Office Of The U.S.Army; Centre For Advanced Spatial Analysis; Elsevier Science

The following papers were first published on CD-ROM. Produced by: R.J.Abrahart and B.H.Carlisle. Publisher: "GeoComputation CD-ROM". ISBN 0-9533477-2-9



The Development of Spatial Information Distribution Component Model based on OpenGIS
Ahn, B-I. and Yang, S-B.


Changes in Geological Maps as a Result of Computational Techniques
Amantov, A.V.


Improving Snakes for Linear Feature Displacement in Cartographic Generalization
Bader, M. and Barrault, M.


Visualization in GeoComputation
Batty, M.


Computer Application to Run Catchment Water Quality Models Using Data from Different Sources
Bellamy, P.H.


Multi-Scale Approach to Measuring Residential Segregation Studies of Unique GIS of Israeli Population Census
Benenson, I. and Omer, I.


Open Source GeoComputation: Using the R Data Analysis Language Integrated with GRASS GIS and PostgreSQL Data Base Systems
Bivand, R.S. and Neteler, M.


Working Towards a Landscape Information System
Borodkine, R., Griselin, M. And Ormaux, S.


Geocomputing with Geological Field Data: Is there a 'ghost in the machine'?
Brodaric, B., Gahegan, M., Takatuska, M. and Harrap, R.


Extending Map Algebra with Flag Operators
Caldwell, D.R.


The Highs and Lows of DEM Error - developing a spatially distributed DEM error model
Carlisle, B.H.


An Inductive Attack on Spatial Scale
Currit, N.


Modelling Ranunculus Presence in the Rivers Test and Itchen Using Artificial Neural Networks
Dawson, C.W., Wilby, R.L., Harpham, C., Brown, M.R., Cranston, E. and Darby, E.J.


The Development of a Web-based Interface to Census Interaction Data
Duke-Williams, O.W. and Stillwell, J.C.H.


The Semantics of GeoComputation
Ehlen, J., Caldwell, D.R. and Harding, S.


AUTOCLUST: Automatic Clustering via Boundary Extraction for Massive Point-Data Sets
Estivill-Castro, V. and Lee, I.


GeoVISTA Studio: A Geocomputational Workbench
Gahegan, M.N., Takatsuka, M. and Wheeler, M.


The Use of Areal Interpolation to Explore Long-Term Demographic Change
Gregory, I.N.


An Assessment of the Effect of Training Sample Size on Bayesian Network Learning
Griffin, A.L.


Artificial Neural Network Method of Rock Mass Blastability Classification
Han, J., Weiya, X. and Shouyi, X.


Storing Voronoi Diagrams in Geographical Databases
Hangouet, J-F.


The Physical and Socio-Economic Composition of Urban Areas
Harris, R.J. and Longley, P.A.


CgiMapScript: Spatial Data and the Common Gateway Interface - Using Lightweight ISP-friendly Techniques to Handle Vector Data on the Internet
Haskins, D.L.


A Semi-Automatic Method to Construct Territorial Partitions
Josselin, D. and Bolot, J.


A Multidimensional Model for Exploratory Spatiotemporal Analysis
Kemp, Z. and Lee, H.


What-if Analysis for Point Data Sets Using Generalised Voronoi Diagrams (software)
Lee, I. and Gahegan, M.


Social and Economic Factors Determining the Development of the Regional Income Distribution in Austria
Leitner, M. and Fischer, M.M.


A New Method for the Implementation of Spatial Logical Reasoning in Graphical Software
Malek, M.R.


Best Relative Placement: a New Ability for Spatial Processing
Malek, M.R. and Hahn, M.


Applying Data Mining Principles to HYDICE Hyperspectral Data Classification
Marin, J.A. and Benson, K.C.


DEM to Mountain Transformation of the Zargos Ranges
Miliaresis, G.C.


Terrain modelling and the impact of lava erosion in a neotectonic landscape: the case of the south west flank of Mount Cameroon, West Africa
Nama, E.E.


Using Genetic Algorithms in Clustering Problems
Painho, M. and BAÇÃO, F.


Conflict Resolution Techniques for Expert Systems Used to Classify Remotely Sensed Satellite Images
Pakiarajah, V., Crowther, P. and Hartnett, J.


Computer simulation of hangingwall deformation
Perez, S.


Geometric morphometrics and visualizations of statistical analyses of shape
Rohlf, F.J.


Using GIS to Help Explore Relationship School-Industry
Tamayo, J.S., Enciso, G.R. and Tamayo, L.T.


Efficient Generalisation and Abstraction of Network Data Using Perceptual Grouping
Thomson, R. and Brooks, R.


Cities, cells, and complexity: developing a research agenda for urban geocomputation
Torrens, P.M. and O'Sullivan, D.


The Pitter-Pat of Tiny Raindrops: Applications of Dynamic Landscape Modeling in Geomorphology, Archaeology, and Flood Hydrology
Tucker, G.E., Lancaster, S.T., Gasparini, N.M. and Bras, R.L.


Density Data Generation for Spatial Data Mining Applications
Turner, A.


Developing an Online Confidential Spatial Statistical Output System For The UK 2001 Census
Turton, I., Evans, A. and Macgill, J.


Why Spatial Pattern Detection is Harder Than it Looks
Turton, I. and Walder, A.N.


Coregionalisation of Soil Moisture Content and SAR Images
Vanoverbeke, M.E.L., Van Meirvenne, M. and Hoeben, R.


A New Spatial Data Respresentation in GIS
Wei, Z-K., Cho, S-K., Kim, J-H. and Bae, H-Y.


Construction of Weighted Surface Networks for the Representation and Analysis of Surface Topology
Wood, J.D. and Rana, S.


Integrating Rank Techniques Within GIS for Marketing Analysis
Zhao, L.


Interpolated Digital Elevation Models, Differential Global Positioning System Surveys and Digital Photogrammetry: A Quantitative Comparison of Accuracy from a Geomorphological Perspective
Zukowskyj, P.M. and Teeuw, R.M.