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Extending Map Algebra with Flag Operators

Douglas R. Caldwell
U.S. Army Topographic Engineering Center, 7701 Telegraph Road, Alexandria, VA 22315-3864, U.S.A.


Map algebra and cartographic modeling provide powerful tools for analyzing and manipulating spatial data. This paper introduces a new map algebra operator, the flag operator. Flag operators are primarily used to evaluate neighborhoods and zones, so they are related to the focal and zonal families of operators. However, they differ in the way they analyze the contents of the the neighborhoods and zones. Flag operators evaluate an expression and flag or mark the locations where the condition is met. This paper describes flag operators using specific examples and then presents a general model for specifying them. The FOCALFLAGMAX operator, which measures locational dominance, is described in detail. The FOCALFLAGMAX operator extracts surface structure, including peaks, ridges, and flat areas.

1. Introduction

Joseph Berry's (Berry, 1987; Berry, 1993a; Berry, 1993b; Berry, 1995) map algebra and Dana Tomlin's (Tomlin, 1990) cartographic modeling research have greatly influenced the geographic information system (GIS) and geocomputation communities by providing a high-level computational language to describe geographic data processing. Cartographic modeling is based on the concept of map layers, operations, and procedures. The purpose of the language is to create new map layers using existing map layers and operations that are sequenced in procedures. It takes a location-oriented perspective or 'worm's eye' view by computing new values for locations based on the location itself, its neighborhood, a related zone, or the entire dataset.

Tomlin explored map algebra and cartographic modeling, first as a student at Harvard University, and later as part of his doctoral dissertation under Dr. Berry at Yale University. His work resulted in the Map Analysis Package (MAP). The influence of map algebra, cartographic modeling, and MAP has extended beyond the university research community. It is now integral to public domain and commercial software packages. Map algebra and cartographic modelling capabilities are found in the Academic Map Analysis Package (aMAP), ARC/INFO Grid, Idrisi, MFWorks, MGE Grid Analyst, OSU Map-for-the-PC, PC Raster, and the Professional Map Analysis Package (pMAP).

Map algebra has evolved and continues to evolve as new extensions are developed and implemented. Some of these extensions enhance the basic capabilities, such as the block function operators implemented in the ARC/INFO Grid extension. Other extensions considerably expand map algebra. Software, such as PC Raster, adds time, dynamic processing, and the third dimension to the traditionally static, two-dimensional map algebra. This paper continues the evolution of map algebra with the introduction of a new operator, the flag operator.

2. Flag Operators

Flag operators are related to focal and zonal operators, but differ from them in a significant way. They use the neighborhoods and zones of these operators, but analyze the contents differently. Focal and zonal operators focus on assigning new values based on WHAT meets a required condition, while the flag operators identify and mark locations WHERE a required condition is met. For each location, the traditional operators evaluate a condition and then return a value that is assigned to a source location. Flag operators evaluate a condition related to a location and then flag or mark the locations that meet the condition.

2.1 A Zonal Example

A simple example using the ZONALMAX and ZONALFLAGMAX operators makes the difference between the operators clear. ZONAL operators use two grids as inputs, a zone grid and a value grid. The zone grid identifies the zones or summary areas to be used in the operation, while the value grid provides the values that are evaluated within each zone. The ZONALMAX operator (Figure 1c.) evaluates location in the zone grid and determines the maximum value in the value grid for each zone in the zone grid. The operator then assigns this maximum value for each zone to every grid cell in the zone. It is looking at what the maximum value is in a zone when assigning values to locations, not 'where' the maximum value is located.
4 4 4 2 1
5 6 2 1 1
5 5 2 1 4
2 1 0 2 1
2 4 1 0 0
a. Value Grid 
1 3 3 3 3
1 1 3 3 3
1 1 3 3 3
3 3 3 2 2
3 3 3 2 2
b. Zone Grid 
6 4 4 4 4
6 6 4 4 4
6 6 4 4 4
4 4 4 2 2
4 4 4 2 2
c. ZONALMAX Result 
0 1 1 0 0
0 1 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 1
0 0 0 1 0
0 1 0 0 0
Figure 1. Comparison of ZONALMAX and ZONALFLAGMAX Operators
(Colors relate to Zones: 1=Green, 2=Yellow, and 3=Blue)

The proposed ZONALFLAGMAX operator (Figure 1d.) also evaluates two grids, a zonal grid and a value grid. For each zone in the zonal grid, the operator identifies the maximum value. Up to this point, it is similar to the ZONALMAX function. However, instead of assigning the maximum value to every grid cell in a zone, it assigns the a value of 1 to the cell or cells containing the maximum value and a 0 or NULL value to the other cells. It flags where the maximum value occurs within each zone. The ZONALMAX function is equivalent to a two-step process which applies 1) the ZONALFLAG operator and 2) a CON operator which sets the output grid to 1 if the value of the value grid equals the ZONALFLAG output grid value and 0 if it does not.

The ZONALFLAGMAX operator can be used for many practical applications. Using a Digital Elevation Model (DEM) as the value grid and a map of states as the zone grid, the ZONALFLAGMAX operator identifies the highest locations in each state.

2.2 A Focal Example

A FOCALMAX operator evaluates a neighborhood around each cell. It looks at 'what' the maximum value is in the neighborhood and assigns the maximum value to the source or center cell. (see Figure 2b.) Information on 'where' the maximum value occurs is lost. The FOCALFLAGMAX flat identifies the location where the maximum value occurs (Figure 2c.). Each time a cell is visited, its value is incremented by one.
4 3 1
2 5 2
1 4 6
a. Input
0 0 0
0 0 0
0 0 1
Figure 2. Comparison of FOCALMAX and FOCALFLAGMAX Operators

The effect of a 3 X 3 neighborhood on a individual cell's flag count can be seen in the animated GIF image in Figure 3. The cell of interest, the center cell, is highlighted in blue in the first frame. The moving window is highlighted in yellow and the cells with the maximum values in the window are highlighted in red. Whenever the center cell has the maximum value in the moving window, the flag count is incremented by 1. The center cell in this example has a flag count of 3.
Figure 3. Cell Flag Count Animation

With a FOCALFLAGMAX operator, a cell is visited multiple times, as the'moving window', which defines the neighborhood, passes over it. Because grid cells are visited multiple times, the results of the FOCALFLAGMAX operator can be reported in three ways: 1) as a binary flag that simply records whether the cell is the maximum of value of any window passing over it, 2) as a flag count that stores the number of times the cell was the maximum value, or 3) as a normalized flag that normalizes the count by dividing the count by the number of times the cell is visited.

With a binary flag, cells would be assigned a value of 1, if flagged, and 0 or NULL otherwise. With a count flag, the value range is dependent on the size of the neighborhood. For a 3 X 3 neighborhood, a cell could be visited a maximum number of 9 times, so cell values could range from 0 to 9. For a 5 X 5 window, the cell values could range from 0 to 25. Because the count varies depending on the neighborhood size, the total count may be difficult to interpret across window sizes. The normalized flag stores a normalized count, i.e., the count divided by the number of cells in the window. For the 5 X 5 window with a count of 10, the normalized value would be .4, while a count of 25 would have a normalized value of 1.

3. Flag Operator Basics

Flag operators are built from two components: an analysis area and a conditional expression. For each source cell, the flag function evaluates an expression using the source cell's analysis area.

3.1 Analysis Area

The analysis area is the area over which the conditional expression is evaluated. For a ZONALFLAG function, the analysis area is a zone. For a FOCALFLAG function, the analysis area is the neighborhood. The neighborhood is commonly a rectangular window, such as a 3 X 3 or 5 X 5 window, but the size and shape of the window can be user defined.

3.2 Conditional Expression

Within an analysis area, flag functions identify and flag grid cells which are true for a given conditional expression. While any conditional expression may be used, but it is most common to create a conditional expression from a value-constrained function and a logical operator.

3.2.1 Value-Constrained Function

Value-constrained functions are a subset of grid functions. A value-constrained function is a function that returns a value, which falls within the range of values in the analysis area. Valid location-constrained functions would include majority, minority, maximum, mean, median, and minimum functions. For an analysis area containing cells with values between 22 and 35, all value-constrained functions would return a value between 22 and 35. Other map algebra functions, such as range, standard deviation, sum, and variety functions produce values that may or may not fall within the range of values in the analysis area. For example, if an analysis area contained cells with values between 22 and 35, the range of values would be 13, which is not between 22 and 35.

3.2.2 Logical Operators

Logical operators include =, <>, >, <, >=, and <=. Each value-constrained function has an associated set of appropriate logical operators. For example, the maximum function is associated with the = and <> logical operators. This is because any other logical operator associated with the maximum function would include all the cells (<=), be equivalent to the maximum (>=), be equivalent to everything but the maximum (<) or be meaningless (>). A list of valid value-constrained functions and their associated logical operators is provided in Table 1. The utility and potential meaning of the various functions with their logical operators is a subject that requires further exploration.
Function Description Logical Operator
MAJORITY Most frequently occurring value =,<> 
MINORITY Least frequently occurring value =,<>
MAXIMUM Greatest value =,<>
MINIMUM Smallest value =,<> 
MEAN Average value =,<>,>,<,>=,<=
MEDIAN Median value =,<>,>,<,>=,<=
Table 1. Value-Constrained Functions and Their Associated Logical Operators



3.3 Operator Expressions

Flag operators could be described using a command language in a variety of ways. General expressions for a FOCALFLAG command (Eq. 1.) and a ZONALFLAG command (Eq. 2.) might be

Equation 1. <output_grid> = FOCALFLAG(<input_grid>, <Window_with_parameters>, <Function>, <Logical Operator>)

Equation 2. <output_grid> = ZONALFLAG(<value_grid>,<zone_grid>, <Function>, <Logical Operator>)

The use of a conditional expression generalizes the flag operator, but as stated earlier, it has yet to be determined if the various potential combinations are meaningful.

A shorthand notation is used in this paper for describing the MAXIMUM and MINIMUM flag operators with an equality logical operator. In keeping with common FOCAL and ZONAL usage, a FOCALFLAGMAX is interpreted as a FOCALFLAG operator with a MAXIMUM function and an equality logical operator. By the same token, the ZONALFLAGMAX operator refers to ZONALFLAG operator with a MAXIMUM function and an equality logical operator.

4. The FOCALFLAGMAX Operator

4.1 Measuring Dominance

The FOCALFLAGMAX operator evaluates the dominance or extent to which a cell has the greatest value for all the neighborhoods which include it. (See Figure 4a) As long as a count flag or normalized flag is used, the result provides a measure of the relative dominance.

a. 5 X 5 Window

b. Shaded Relief Image
Figure 4. FOCALFLAGMAX Results

It is important to recognize that this measure is not directly correlated with elevation, because cells with the same elevation may have different dominance measures, depending on their surrounding elevations. In addition, it is not the same as flagging a source cell when the source cell is the maximum value in a window. Here, however, there is an interesting relationship between flagging the source cell and the FOCALFLAGMAX operator. If a cell is flagged as the maximum for a 5 X 5 window, it will have the maximum count of 9 or a normalized flag value of 1.0 for a 3 X 3 window. Flagging the source cell when it is the maximum is of limited value, however, because it does not give any information on the relative importance of the source cell when it does not contain the maximum value. The FOCALFLAGMAX or dominance measure provides additional insight into the structure of the surface.

4.2 Revealing Underlying Structure with the FOCALFLAGMAX Operator

The FOCALFLAGMAX operator reveals the underlying structure of the data. Maximum flag counts or normalized flags with a value of 1.0 indicate peaks (Figure 5a) or the interiors of large flat areas (Figure 5c). This is because peaks are greater than or equal to the multivalued cells in neighborhoods passing through them, while the interiors of flat areas all have the same value, so they are all equal and have the maximum value. The dual nature of the maximum values would be a problem for identifying peaks in the data, if it were not possible to isolate and remove the flat areas. However, it is possible to remove the flat areas. This is demonstrated by the yellow flat area mask in Figures 5 a-l.

a. Peaks

b. Ridges

c. Flat Areas
Figure 5. Underlying Structure Revealed by the FOCALFLAGMAX Operator (5 X 5 Window)

In addition to the peaks, it is possible to identify significant ridges (Figure 5b) in the data by examining the intermediate values in the results.

4.3 Effects of Varying the Neighborhood or Analysis Area

The effects of varying the neighborhood or analysis area can be seen in Figure 6. The structure of the data arevisible clearly with the smaller neighborhoods. The ridges can be identified clearly in the 3 X 3 to 7 X 7 windows. Some ridge structure remains visible through the 21 X 21 window, at which point it disappears. At that point, the remaining information is limited to the peaks. The number of significant peaks with a normalized flag value of 1.0 decreases as the window size increases, gradually removing the less significant peaks.
a. 3 X 3 b. 5 X 5 c. 7 X 7 d. 9 X 9
e. 11 X 11 f. 13 X 13 g. 15 X 15 h. 17 X 17
i. 19 X 19 j. 21 X 21 k. 23 X 23 l. 25 X 25
Rectangular Window Size
Figure 6. Effect of Changing Window Size 

While Figure 6 uses small multiples (Tufte, 1990) to compare the series of images, Figure 7 presents the same information in an animated GIF image.
Figure 7. Effects of Changing Window Size
Scale on right shows the window size, i.e., 3 is a 3 X 3 window


4.4 Maximum Dominant Window

In addition to evaluating dominance for a single analysis area, it is also possible to evaluate dominance across analysis areas. This gives rise to the concept of the maximum dominant window (See Figure 8). The maximum dominant window is the largest analysis area for which a peak is a maximum. For example, using the scheme shown in Figure 7, window sizes from 3 X 3 to 25 X 25 are considered for this analysis. Larger windows could be used, but in this example, a 25 X 25 window is the maximum size.

If a location in a 3 X 3 window has a flag count of 9, meaning it is the maximum value of all windows passing over it, the location is included in the maximum dominant window. All other cells are zeroed out. The same location is evaluated to see if it has a flag count of 25 for a 5 X 5 window. The location is then evaluated to see if it has a flag count of 49 for a 7 X 7 window. The process is repeated until the location no longer has the maximum flag count for the window size. The largest window size for which the location has a maximum flag count is then stored in the grid. For display purposes, the grid cells have been converted to points and displayed as graduated circles, where the circle size is related to the maximum dominance. The resulting map gives the reader an instant impression of the relative maximum dominance of different locations.
Figure 8. Maximum Dominant Window

5. Summary

Flag operators are an important addition to map algebra. By focusing on WHERE conditions are met, rather than WHAT meets a condition, flag operators extend spatial analysis capabilities and help reveal the underlying structure of the data being evaluated. This paper has provided specific examples of flag operators, as well as a general framework for constructing them. The FOCALFLAGMAX operator has been described in detail. It measures local dominance and reveals the underlying structure of the terrain. It is one of many potential flag operators. Others have yet to be analyzed and explored to evaluate their potential utility for spatial analysis.


Tomlin, C.D. (1990) Geographic information systems and cartographic modelling. New Jersey, United States: Prentice Hall.

Berry, J.K. (1987) Fundamental operations in computer-assisted map analysis. International Journal of Geographic Information Systems 2:119-136.

Berry, J.K. (1993a) "Cartographic modeling: The analytic capabilities of GIS", in Geographic Information Systems and Environmental Modeling, Oxford, England: Oxford University Press. 58-74.

Berry, J.K. (1993b) Beyond Mapping: Concepts, Algorithms, and Issues in GIS. Fort Collins, CO: GIS World, Inc.

Berry, J.K. (1995) Spatial Reasoning for Effective GIS. Fort Collins, CO: GIS World Books.

Tufte, E. (1990) Envisioning Information. Cheshire, CT: Graphics Press.