Leeds Hippo Project Partners
Hollybush Primary School in Bramley
Ingram Road Primary School in Holbeck
Wykebeck Primary School in Wykebeck
Raynville Primary School in Bramley
Leeds Museums and Galleries
The Hippo bones are currently being stored at the Leeds Discovery Centre before they are exhibited in the new Leeds Museum in August. Staff from the Discovery Centre took a number of the bones into participating schools. Pupils had the opportunity to learn more about the bones themselves, how items are conserved and what it is like working in a Museum. The work pupils produce during the workshops will be displayed at the new Leeds Museum on Millennium Square.
Royal Armouries
The Royal Armouries Education Team has delivered arts based activities in participating schools as part of the Hippo workshops. The activities aim to promote the main themes of the project; raising environmental awareness, recycling and current issues of climate change, by encouraging pupils to collect materials to form part of their artwork.