Basics Summary

School of Geography, University of Leeds

Here's an example of some webpage HTML, and what it would look like in a browser.

<TITLE>My First Webpage</TITLE>
<H3>My First Big Webpage</H3>
Here's a <B>paragraph</B> of <I>text</I>.
Here's a <BR>forced line break.
Here's a numbered list...
Here's an
<IMG src="image.jpg" alt="Graphic: picture of the word Image."></IMG>
And here's a
<A href="basics.html>link</A>.
Screenshot: TITLE text saying My First Webpage

My First Big Webpage

Here's a paragraph of text.
Here's a
forced line break.
Here's a numbered list...
  1) Lorem
  2) ipsum
Here's an Graphic: picture of the word Image.
And here's a link.

If you can manage that lot, you're doing ok. Take a rest and try out some of what you've learnt before going on to the advanced stuff. If you want an exercise to do, try to recreate this page on your local harddrive without looking at the source code. Once you're happy with it check the code against your own.

Go forward to learn about tables in the advanced section.

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