Can't read or write files on the browser's machine.
Can't start local programs or access the local OS.
Can only access the machine it was sent from (though can get webpages from others).
Can't switch off and replace the JVM.
You can, however, "sign" applets. If the user trusts you the applets can be given more freedom.
Normal class code called by a line within a webpage which says that an applet should be inserted and where to find it.
All applets extend java.applet.Applet.
All therefore need to import java.applet.*.
java.applet.Applet is a subtype of Panel.
All applets are GUI based and all but simplest are Event Based.
Therefore they also need to import java.awt.* and java.awt.event.*. Note though, like panels, they can’t have menus in the webpage (though they can open Frames).
Don't usually have a 'main' method.
Replaces the main/constructor - used to set-up the applet. Called when applet first shown.
Used each time an applet is shown - e.g. if a webpage is visited, left and then revisited. Calls paint().
Inherited by Applet from Panel / Component. Called at start and whenever needed, e.g. if the browser is covered by another window and then uncovered.
Called when a browser leaves the webpage.
Called when the browser kills the applet - 'stop' is always called first. Not usually possible to say when this happens.
You don't have to implement all these methods - each has a default.
Just implement those you want - usually init, start and paint.
Basic Applet
import java.applet.*;
import java.awt.*
import java.awt.event.*
public class OurApplet extends Applet {
public void init() {
System.out.println("Hello World!");
System.out is the browser's Java Console.
To understand advanced Applet methods we need to understand URLs.
Encapsulates a Uniform Resource Locator (URL).
A URL represents another file on the network. It's comprised of...
A method for locating information - i.e. a transmission protocol, e.g. the HyperText Transmission Protocol (http)
A host machine name, e.g.
A path to a file on that server, e.g.
A port to connect to that server on, e.g. http connects to port 80
Client - Server architecture
A file requested using a URL will usually be handled by a client-server architecture.
Which server program gets which requests will depend on the port they are sent to, which is usually related to the transmission protocol.
e-mails are sent out to servers using Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP) which usually goes into Port 25.
One server can serve several clients at once.
Webservers use http/port 80 to listen for requests, then send out webpages from a particular requested directory.
Making a URL object
Need to import*, and deal with the MalformedURLException that the URL constructors throw.
You can then use one of the URL class constructors. Some let you put in the port, or split off the path.
Easiest is...
URL url = new URL(String urlSpecifier);
Where urlSpecifier is an address like... ""
Basic URL Methods
Gets the file name of this URL.
Gets the host name of this URL, if applicable.
Gets the path part of this URL.
Gets the port number (int) of this URL.
Advanced Applet methods
Returns an java.awt.Image object from a given URL object.
Returns a URL object representing the directory the applet starting webpage was in.
Together with the URL methods, these methods allow us to retrieve image files from our web server.
Resource Streams
Class thisClass = getClass();
URL url = thisClass.getResource("debts.txt");
As well as getting a URL Object this way, you can actually open a Stream to resources.
Class Objects have a getResourceAsStream method, which returns an InputStream.
This can be used to read the resource across the network or into a program from a local file.
Knowing the number of bytes of a resource (the ContentLength), and having an InputStream, you can now read the file.
Advanced Applet methods
Returns an AppletContext object representing the environment the applet is running in. AppletContext ap = getAppletContext();
The most important method in an AppletContext object is...
showDocument(URL webpage)
This allows you to put a webpage into the browser window. ap.showDocument(new URL(""));
Putting an applet into a webpage
code = appletFile (without the .class)
width = widthInPixels
height = heightInPixels
align = left or right or center
<PARAM name="name1" value="attributeValue1">
<PARAM name="name2" value="attributeValue2">
We can pull in the parameters using the applet's getParameter(String paramName) method, which returns the values associated with paramName as a String. For example, in our web page we might have: <PARAM name = "colorTypes" value = "1" >
and in our init() we might have...
String colorScheme = getParameter("colorTypes");
if (colorScheme.equals("1")) {
Note that we treat "1" as a String, even though it is a numerical character.
When writing for the network, you can compress class files and associated resources using the jdk1.7/bin/jar.exe compressor. This creates "zip"-like files that can be read in java using or Class's getResource().
If you are working for a public organisation, accessibility for the disabled has to be a major design driver. In addition, not everyone can see applets (~2% of browsers).
Generally you can make webpages accessible by not putting important information in images and sound.
Java 1.1 applets have no accessibility built in.
Java Foundation Class / Swing applets have accessibility built in - will be usable with speaking browsers etc.
Web accessibility: Java 1.1
<APPLET code = appletFile width = widthInPixels height = heightInPixels>
Please visit this <A href="text.html">site</A>
for a text list of our information.
Anything you write between in the APPLET / OBJECT tags will only be displayed if the applet doesn't work.
Writing joint Applets and Applications
Because Applets are types of Panels, we can add them to a Frame.
public class TwoFaced extends java.applet.Applet {
public void init() {
// All our code here.
public static void main(String[] args) {
Frame appFrame = new Frame("Two Faced");
TwoFaced twoFaced = new TwoFaced ();
appFrame.add(twoFaced, BorderLayout.CENTER);
appFrame.setSize(300, 300);
Applets are programs that run in web browsers.
Because of this they have their own security limitations.
They have init, start, stop, and destroy methods.
init and destroy are called when the applet is first started and killed respectively.
start and stop are called when the webpage is re-entered and left.
Client - server architectures are a common mechanism for retrieving files over the internet.
One java class that uses them is URL which encapsulates a file location and the protocol to get it.
Applets can use URL objects to get files from the internet and display them.
Applets are usually run from webpages. The System.out is the Java Console.