The Peak District and Banff National Parks
Banff National Park
The BNP Authority has co-ordinated and fostered quality communications through;
- initially involving the public in the Banff-Bow Valley Study through a Round Table Approach and a storefront operation in Banff town.
- a Parks Canada interpretative program,
- establishment of a ‘community of communicators’, ensuring park messages are widely available,
- building of an high quality interpretative centre in Banff,
- annual review, including a round table, where the public can learn how well the park is meeting the objectives set out, and also review proposals
- public reviewal of the proposed changes in park use and assessment of changes against the ten criteria for appropriate decision making developed by the Banff-Bow Valley Study Round Table
Peak District National Park
In the PDNP;
- Local residents are consulted at many levels about many different issues.
- Businesses are advised on ways in achieving sustainability and potentially damaging industries such as mineral extraction and agriculture are assisted in reducing their impact.
- A "Discovering Villages Initiative" was developed in order that the qualities of the local communities and environments were promoted, protected and improved.
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Banff National Park
Recent studies in BNP have shown some recovery, or at least stabilisation of certain wildlife populations, for example the Fairholme wolf pack.
Peak District National Park
The PDNPA has produced a "State of the Park Report" and a five yearly "Management Plan" to address this principle of wilderness management.
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Other Pages
Study Aims and Park Background
Management Principles 1 & 2
Management Principles 3 & 4
Management Principles 5 & 6
Management Principles 7 & 8
Management Principles 9 & 10
Management Principle 13