Cellular Automata
Did you manage to build the environment?
Here's one version of the code:
environment = []
for h in range(height):
row = []
for w in range(width):
def print_environment():
for h in range(height):
for w in range(width):
print(environment[h][w], end=" ")
Note that we've turned the code to check the environment into a function, that way we can call it from wherever we like when we need to output the 2D list.
We're going to use the fuel_amount in each cell to indicate whether it is, is not, or has been on fire. Let's start our fire:
environment[fire_start_y][fire_start_x] -= 1
i.e. we set one of the cells to a value of
fuel_amount - 1
. Any cell with a value between fuel_amount - 1
will be on fire, and we'll reduce the amount of fuel in burning cells by one each time step iteration.
We're now in a position that we can start the model. We'll need a loop of iterations to represent time steps (we'll also add a stopping condition in a bit), and within the loop we'll need to check each cell. Any cell next to a cell that is on fire, will become on fire next iteration. Here's the algorithm:
# Loop through number_of_iterations
# Loop through height with variable h
# Loop through width with variable w
# Check values around environment[h][w] for fire
# If fire found, and value in [h][w] > 1, reduce value by 1.
Remember that when looping through a 2D list, you can look at the current cell with
, and a neighbouring cell, for example up and left of it, with
Remember, however, that in the Core course we looked at boundary problms, and here we have one again. If we do:
for h in range(height):
for w in range(width):
fire = False
if (environment[h-1][w-1] < fuel_amount): fire = True
if (fire == True) & (environment[h][w] > 0):
environment[h][w] -= 1
the code will break at the first cell [0][0]
as the neighbour will be at position [-1][-1]
. We saw that there were three
potential solutions to this issue: a torus world (going off one side comes back on the other); special boundary rules; or ignoring the edge cells.
Which is simplest and most reasonable for this abstract fire model? Have a go at implementing the iterations. Note the algorithm has an additional
problem – once you've got the code working, can you see what it is?