package; import*; import cmp.LEDataStream.*; import*; //comment out to remove GeoTools dependence /** * Wrapper for a Shapefile point. * This now extends GeoPoint from the GeoTools package. * To use this class without requiering any of geotools un-coment the marked lines and remove extends */ public class ShapePoint extends GeoPoint implements ShapefileShape,Serializable { // protected double x,y; //un coment to remove GeoTools dependence public ShapePoint(LEDataInputStream file) throws IOException{ file.setLittleEndianMode(true); int shapeType = file.readInt(); x = file.readDouble(); y = file.readDouble(); } public void write(LEDataOutputStream file)throws IOException{ file.setLittleEndianMode(true); file.writeInt(Shapefile.POINT); file.writeDouble(x); file.writeDouble(y); } /** * Create a new point from x,y values */ public ShapePoint(double x,double y){ this.x = x; this.y = y; } /** * Create a new point from an existing one * @param p The existing point */ public ShapePoint(ShapePoint p){ this.x = p.x; this.y = p.y; } /** * Return the x value of this point. * @return The x value */ public double getX(){ return x; } /** * Return the y value of this point. * @return The y value */ public double getY(){ return y; } /** * Return this point as an array. * @return double[2] in the form {x,y} */ public double[] getPoint(){ double[] d = {x,y}; return d; } public String toString(){ return(x+","+y); } /** * Returns the shapefile shape type value for a point * @return int Shapefile.POINT */ public int getShapeType(){ return Shapefile.POINT; } public int getLength(){ return 10;//the length of two doubles in 16bit words + the shapeType } }