package; import java.beans.*; import java.beans.SimpleBeanInfo; public class ViewerBeanInfo extends java.beans.SimpleBeanInfo { public ViewerBeanInfo() { } /** * Gets a BeanInfo for the superclass of this bean. * @return BeanInfo[] containing this bean's superclass BeanInfo */ public BeanInfo[] getAdditionalBeanInfo() { try { BeanInfo[] bi = new BeanInfo[1]; bi[0] = Introspector.getBeanInfo(beanClass.getSuperclass()); return bi; } catch (IntrospectionException e) { throw new Error(e.toString()); } } /** * Gets the BeanDescriptor for this bean. * @return an object of type BeanDescriptor */ public BeanDescriptor getBeanDescriptor() { BeanDescriptor bd = new BeanDescriptor(beanClass); return bd; } /** * Gets an image that may be used to visually represent this bean * (in the toolbar, on a form, etc). * @param iconKind the type of icon desired, one of: BeanInfo.ICON_MONO_16x16, * BeanInfo.ICON_COLOR_16x16, BeanInfo.ICON_MONO_32x32, or BeanInfo.ICON_COLOR_32x32. * @return an image for this bean * @see BeanInfo#ICON_MONO_16x16 * @see BeanInfo#ICON_COLOR_16x16 * @see BeanInfo#ICON_MONO_32x32 * @see BeanInfo#ICON_COLOR_32x32 */ public java.awt.Image getIcon(int nIconKind) { java.awt.Image img = null; return img; } /** * Returns descriptions of this bean's properties. */ public PropertyDescriptor[] getPropertyDescriptors() { try{ PropertyDescriptor scale = new PropertyDescriptor("scale",beanClass, "getScale","setScale"); PropertyDescriptor[] rv = { scale }; return rv; } catch (IntrospectionException e) { throw new Error(e.toString()); } } private final static Class beanClass = Viewer.class; }