package; import*; import java.awt.*; /** * An abstract implemtation of the Tool interface. * This class provides some base functionality that might be useful to a wide range of tools * and extending it would make the life of a tool developer much easier.
* Essentialy this call splits the update(reason) method into seperate calls, defalt versions of * which are provided.
* The class also provides some simple rubber band tools that can be used by extending classes automaticaly. * In order to make a concrete extention of this class all that is needed is a getCursor and a getRubberBandShape method * although such a tool would not actualy do anything. * * @author James Macgill JM * @since 07 June 2000 */ public abstract class SimpleTool implements { /** * All tools only operate on one viewer at a time. This variable holds a reference to * that viewer. */ protected Viewer context; /** * A reference to a Graphics object onto which tools can place tempory graphics. */ Graphics toolGraphics; /** * Tracks at all times, the mouse status for the viewer this tool is attached to. * Provides information on mouse movments and drag regions in screen, geographic and projected space. */ protected MouseStatus mouse; /** * RubberBandShape constant */ public static final int NONE=-1,CIRCLE=1,RECTANGLE=2,LINE=3; /** * Locks the rubber bands to boxes and circles instead of ellipes and rectangles. */ protected boolean lockAspect = false; public void setLockAspect(boolean flag){ lockAspect = flag; } public boolean isLockAspect(){ return lockAspect; } /** * Retun one of the above constants to specify which rubber band should be * automaticaly displayed during mouse drag events. * @return int A value from above representing a circle, rectangle or line (or none) */ public abstract int getRubberBandShape(); /** * called by the viewer which has recived this tool in order to set that viewer * as the context for this tool. *
It also initalizes the mouse status object. Once set up mouse provides useful features for * querying user acctions. e.g. mouse.getScreenDragBox() mouse.getMapDragBox(); * @param v The viewer to which this tool should now be attached. */ public void setContext(Viewer v) { context = v; mouse = context.getMouseStatus(); } /** * Called by the viewer to which the tool is attached (context) * The tool uses this to update its display and behavior based on the reason code passed in * and current mouse status. * * The method rebradcasts the reason code to seperate methods:

* clear()
* drag()
* release()
* click()
* * @author James Macgill JM * @since 07 June 2000 * * @param g A Graphics object that cen be used for transient tool graphics. It is pre set to XORMode. * @param reason An int that references the reason why this method has been called. */ public void update(Graphics g,int reason) { toolGraphics = g; switch(reason){ case CLEAR: clear(); break; case M_DRAG: drag(); break; case M_RELEASE: release(); break; case M_CLICK: clear(); click(); break; } } /** * A default implemention of the percistent paint method. * most tools will NOT need to overide this method and can instead use the * toolGraphics object set up in the update method. * * @author James Macgill JM * @since 07 June 2000 * @param g A Graphics object that references the viewers static buffer. */ public void paint(Graphics g){ //do nothing } /** * Called by update when the reason code is DRAG. * Provides automatic suport for drawing a 'rubber band' of the shape specified by getRubberBandShape(). * @author James Macgill JM * @since 07 june 2000 */ public void drag(){ if(!mouse.isDragStart()){ clear(); } drawRubberBand(context.getMouseStatus().getScreenDragBox()); } /** * Called when update is called with reason code CLICK. * This default implementation does nothing, overide to add behavior. * @author James Macgill * @since 07 June 2000 */ public void click(){ //do nothing } /** * Called when update is called with reason code RELEASE. * This default implementaion calls clear() to remove any rubberBand marks, overide to add behavior but try to call clean * @author James Macgill * @since 07 June 2000 */ public void release(){ clear(); //do nothing } /** * Called when update is called with reason code CLEAR whenever the old rubber band needs to be removed. * * @author James Macgill * @since 07 June 2000 */ public void clear(){ drawRubberBand(context.getMouseStatus().getOldScreenDragBox()); } /** * Uses XOR painting (preset in the toolGraphics) to draw a removable shape to the screen. * @author James Macgill * @since 07 June 2000 * @param box A Rectangle defining the start and finish points of the rubber band to draw. */ public void drawRubberBand(Rectangle box){ toolGraphics.setColor(; toolGraphics.setXORMode(; int x,y,width,height; x = box.x; y = box.y; if(lockAspect){ width = height = Math.max(box.width,box.height); } else{ width = box.width; height = box.height; } switch(getRubberBandShape()){ case RECTANGLE: toolGraphics.drawRect(x,y,width,height); break; case CIRCLE: toolGraphics.drawOval(x-width,y-height,width*2,height*2); break; case LINE: toolGraphics.drawLine(x,y,width,height); break; } toolGraphics.setPaintMode(); } }