package; import java.util.*; import*; /** * A concrete implementation of the GeoData interface, it is suitable for most * uses and may be extended for more specialist GeoData implementations. * * @author James Macgill JM */ public class SimpleGeoData implements GeoData,Serializable{ /** * Stores the name of this GeoData, returned by getName. */ private String name="Unknown"; private int type = GeoData.FLOATING; double min=Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY,max=Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY; Hashtable data; double missingValue = -99999; int missingCount=0; /** * the default constructor for SimpleGeoData * @author James Macgill JM */ public SimpleGeoData(){ data=new Hashtable(); } /** * Constructs a SimpleGeoData by pulling the values from a Hashtable.
* The hashtable should be built with Integer objects holding ids as keys and * Double objects or strings for the values. * * @author James Macgill JM * @param h A hashtable containg the id keys and values for this SimpleGeoData object */ public SimpleGeoData(Hashtable h){ data = h; doMinMax(); } /** * Updates the values for min and max that are returned by getMin and getMax.
* This method iterates through all of the data stored to find the current Min and Max values. * **/ public void doMinMax(){ min=Double.MAX_VALUE; max=Double.MIN_VALUE; missingCount=0; for (Enumeration e = data.elements() ; e.hasMoreElements() ;) { Object obj = e.nextElement(); if(obj instanceof Double){ double value = ((Double)obj).doubleValue(); if(value!=missingValue){ min=Math.min(value,min); max=Math.max(value,max); } else{ missingCount++; } } } } /** * Not all posible ids will have a value stored in the GeoData object, so when a call is made to getValue with an id that is * not stored a special value is returned to signify that a value for this id is missing.
* By default that value is set to MISSING, however this behavoir can be changed by calling this method with a new value.
* * @see #getMissingValueCode * @author James Macgill JM * @param mv A double containing the new value to represent missing data. */ public void setMissingValueCode(double mv){ missingValue = mv; doMinMax(); } /** * Not all posible ids will have a value stored in the GeoData object, so when a call is made to getValue with an id that is * not stored a special value is returned to signify that a value for this id is missing.
* A call to this method will return the current code in use to represent that situation.
* * @see #setMissingValueCode * @author James Macgill JM * @return double The current value representing missing data. */ public double getMissingValueCode(){ return missingValue; } /** * Stores the id/value pair into this GeoData.
* If the id specifed already has a value associated with it then the old value is returned.
* If the id is a new one then the returned value will match the current missingValueCode * * @author James Macgill JM * @param id An int holding the id to set the value for. * @param value The value to associate with the specifed id. * @return The old value associated with id, or missingValueCode if the id was previusly not set. */ public double setValue(int id,double value){ if(value!=missingValue){ min=Math.min(value,min); max=Math.max(value,max); } else{ missingCount++; } Double old = (Double)data.put(new Integer(id),new Double(value)); if (old!=null){ if(old.doubleValue()==missingValue){missingCount--;} return old.doubleValue(); } return missingValue; } /** * Returns the number of values stored that equal the current missing value code. */ public int getMissingCount(){ return missingCount; } /** * Stores the id/text pair into this GeoData.
* If the id specifed already has text associated with it then the old text is returned.
* If the id is a new one then the returned String will be null * * @author James Macgill JM * @param id An int holding the id to set the value for. * @param text The String to associate with the specifed id. * @return The old text associated with id, or null if the id was previusly not set. */ public String setText(int id,String text){ setDataType(GeoData.CHARACTER); String old = (String)data.put(new Integer(id),text); return old; } /** * All GeoData objects can have a name associated with them.
* Typicaly the name will match the Column heading from which the data came from.
* Names can be important when the GeoData is used in thematic maps as this is the * name that will be placed in the key by default.
* * @author James Macgill JM * @param name_ The name to be associated with this GeoData. */ public void setName(String name_) { name = name_; } /** * All GeoData objects can have a name associated with them.
* Typicaly the name will match the Column heading from which the data came from.
* Names can be important when the GeoData is used in thematic maps as this is the * name that will be placed in the key by default.
* @author James Macgill JM * @return String The name associated with this GeoData. */ public String getName(){ return name; } /** * look up a value for the given id * if the GeoData object is completly empty with no values set at all * then it bounces the id back to the caller. * this is an experimental new behavior for getValue */ public double getValue(int id){ if(data.isEmpty()){return id;} try{ Double d = (Double)data.get(new Integer(id)); if (d!=null){ return d.doubleValue(); } } catch(NumberFormatException e){ return missingValue; } return missingValue; } /** * A quick statistic relating to the values stored in the GeoData object.
* * @author James Macgill JM * @return double The smallest value currently stored in this GeoData. The missingValueCode is not included in this test. */ public double getMin(){ return min; } /** * A quick statistic relating to the values stored in the GeoData object.
* * @author James Macgill JM * @return double The largest value currently stored in this GeoData. The missingValueCode is not included in this test. */ public double getMax(){ return max; } /** * The total number of stored id/value pairs stored in this GeoData. * @author James Macgill JM * @return int The number of values stored in this GeoData. */ public int getSize(){ return data.size(); } /** * Looks up and retreves a string for the specifed feature id.
* Used for example by the ToolTip feature in Themes to provide tool tip text for each feature. * * @author James Macgill JM * @param id An int specifying the feature to retreve the text for. * @return String A piece of text for the chosen feature id. If no id matches then an empty string should be returned " " */ public String getText(int id){ Object o = data.get(new Integer(id)); if (o!=null){ return o.toString(); } return (" ");//if there is no space this returns a null } /** * In order to allow systems to iterate through all of the data contained within the GeoData object this * method provides a list of all of the IDs which have associated values stored. * * @author James Macgill JM * @return Enumeration An enumeration of all of the IDs which can then be iterated through. */ public Enumeration getIds(){ return data.keys(); } /** * Returns the name of the GeoData object. This can be handy when you want to include * GeoData objets in lists. * @return Strin the name of this GeoData */ public String toString(){ return name; } public int getDataType(){ return type; } public void setDataType(int t){ type=t; } public void clear(){ data = new Hashtable(); doMinMax(); } }