package; import java.awt.*; import*; /** * A shade style is passed to layers when they require re-painting. * The style gives simple information regarding how the layer should display itself. * Not all of the options are applicable to all layer types, and individual layer types are free * to ignore any aspects of the style if they do not fit. * e.g. Raster layers can ignore line color! * * 1.1 Added line witdh as a new property * * @author James Macgill * @version 1.1 */ public class ShadeStyle implements Serializable { private Color lineColor =; private Color fillColor = Color.gray; private boolean lineColorFromShader = false; private int lineWidth = 1; private boolean fillColorFromShader = true; private boolean outlined = true; private boolean filled = true; private boolean paintModeXOR = false; private boolean showLabels = true; private Font labelFont; public ShadeStyle(){ } /** * Simple constructor with options for filling and outlineing. * * @param isFilled A boolean flag, set to true if the layer should try to fill in the features that it contains. * @param isOutlined A boolean flag, true if the layers should try to draw a line around each feature. */ public ShadeStyle(boolean isFilled,boolean isOutlined){ this(isFilled,isOutlined,false); } public ShadeStyle(boolean isFilled, boolean isOutlined, Color lineColor){ this(isFilled,isOutlined,false); this.lineColor = lineColor; } public ShadeStyle(boolean isFilled,boolean isOutlined,boolean lineFromShade){ outlined = isOutlined; filled = isFilled; lineColorFromShader = lineFromShade; lineWidth = 1; } /** * constructor for ShadeStyle. * note the use of null Colors to set the use of a shader. * * @param isFilled A boolean flag, set to true if features should be filled in. * @param isOutlined A boolean flag, set to true if features should be outlined. * @param fill A Color to use when filling in features, set to null if the color should be obtained from a shader instead. * @param line A Color to use when outlining features, set to null if the color should be obtained from a shader instead. * @param useXOR A boolean flag, Should the features be displayed using XOR (useful for highlight and selection styles) */ public ShadeStyle(boolean isFilled,boolean isOutlined,Color fill,Color line,boolean useXOR){ this(isFilled,isOutlined,fill,line,1,useXOR); } /** * Full constructor for ShadeStyle. * note the use of null Colors to set the use of a shader. * * @param isFilled A boolean flag, set to true if features should be filled in. * @param isOutlined A boolean flag, set to true if features should be outlined. * @param fill A Color to use when filling in features, set to null if the color should be obtained from a shader instead. * @param line A Color to use when outlining features, set to null if the color should be obtained from a shader instead. * @param width An int representing the line with to use. * @param useXOR A boolean flag, Should the features be displayed using XOR (useful for highlight and selection styles) */ public ShadeStyle(boolean isFilled,boolean isOutlined,Color fill,Color line,int width,boolean useXOR){ outlined = isOutlined; filled = isFilled; if(line == null) { lineColorFromShader = true; } else { lineColor = line; } if(fill == null) { fillColorFromShader = true; } else { fillColor = fill; } paintModeXOR = useXOR; } /** * if outlineing has been switched on then this sets the colour that should be used to do that. * Without calling this method outlineing will default to black. * Note. This color will be ignored if 'lineColorFromShader' is swithed on. * * @param c Color to draw outline in. * @see #setLineColorFromShader */ public void setLineColor(Color c){ lineColor = c; } public Color getLineColor(){ return lineColor; } public void setLineWidth(int w){ lineWidth = w; } public int getLineWidth(){ return lineWidth; } public void setIsFilled(boolean flag){ this.filled = flag; } public boolean isFilled(){ return this.filled; } public Color getFillColor(){ return this.fillColor; } public void setFillColor(Color c){ fillColor = c; } public void setLineColorFromShader(boolean flag){ this.lineColorFromShader = flag; } public boolean isLineColorFromShader(){ return this.lineColorFromShader; } public void setIsOutlined(boolean flag){ this.outlined =flag; } public boolean isOutlined(){ return this.outlined; } /** * Find out if feature labeling in switched on * @return boolean flag, true if layers should attempt to display layers. **/ public boolean isLabeled(){ return this.showLabels; } /** * Switch feature labeling on/off. * Note, the Theme must have had setLabelData(GeoData d) called with appropriate data for this to work. * * @param flag Set to true if layers should attempt to display labels for each feature */ public void setIsLabeled(boolean flag){ this.showLabels=flag; } public void setIsPaintModeXOR(boolean flag){ this.paintModeXOR = flag; } public boolean isPaintModeXOR(){ return this.paintModeXOR; } }