import java.awt.*;
import java.util.*;
* Used to convert real world co-ordinates to and from screen co-ordinates.
* Once set up with a geographic region and a screen region the scaler can
* perform all the calculations needed to scale a point from one to the other.
public final class Scaler extends java.awt.Component
private final boolean DEBUG=false;
* The Coordinates of the full extent of the world
GeoRectangle mapExtent;
* The coordinates of the Graphics context
Rectangle graphicsExtent;
boolean Isotrophic = true;
* The scale factor requried to transform the map data
double scaleFactor=Double.NaN,xScaleFactor=Double.NaN,yScaleFactor=Double.NaN;
* Listeners for changes in scale
Vector listeners = new Vector();
* If not null then this is used to project co-ordinates
Projection projection = null;
//Constructs a new scaler;
* Contructs an empty scaller, it WILL NOT work.
public Scaler()
* Construct a working scaler.
* @param world A GeoRectangle that defines the bounds of the geographic region to map to the screen.
* @param screen A Rectangle that defines the size of the on-screen area to map the 'world' into.
public Scaler(GeoRectangle world,Rectangle screen){
graphicsExtent = screen;
if(DEBUG)System.out.println("New Scaler created "+scaleFactor);
if(scaleFactor == Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY) {
scaleFactor = 1.0d;
public String toString(){
return(super.toString()+" "+scaleFactor);
* Changes the extent of the reagion of geographic interest
* the scaler will recalcualte the scale factor needed to fit this
* new region to the screen and subsequently notify all listeners of the
* change in scale.
* If a projection is in use then the extent will be projected before
* the scale factor is calculated.
* @param extent A GeoRectangle that defines the new region.
public void setMapExtent(GeoRectangle extent){
* Changes the extent of the reagion of geographic interest
* the scaler will recalcualte the scale factor needed to fit this
* new region to the screen and subsequently notify all listeners of the
* change in scale ONLY IF keepQuite is false.
* This keepQuite option is designed to stop infinate rescaling of
* two viewers that are litening to each other for scale changes.
* @param extent A GeoRectangle that defines the new region.
* @param keepQuiet A boolean stating if the scaler should NOT tell listenres.
public void setMapExtent(GeoRectangle extent,boolean keepQuiet){
mapExtent = project(extent);
public void setProjectedMapExtent(GeoRectangle extent){
mapExtent = extent;
* Changes the extent of the reagion of the onscreen view in pixels
* the scaler will recalcualte the scale factor needed to fit this
* new region to the screen and subsequently notify all listeners of the
* change in scale.
* @param extent A Rectangle that defines the new region.
public void setGraphicsExtent(Rectangle extent){
graphicsExtent = new Rectangle(extent);
* Gets the geographic extent of the region currenly scaled to fit into
* the on-screen region.
* @return GeoRectangle the current map extent.
public GeoRectangle getMapExtent(){
return unproject(mapExtent);
public GeoRectangle getProjectedMapExtent(){
return mapExtent;
private void calcScaleFactor(){
* Caclulates the scaling factor required to fit the current mapExtent into
* the on-screen region.
* Internal use only.
private void calcScaleFactor(boolean keepQuiet){
//Set scaleFactor here...
if (mapExtent.width / graphicsExtent.width > mapExtent.height / graphicsExtent.height)
scaleFactor = (double)mapExtent.width/ (double)graphicsExtent.width;
scaleFactor = (double)mapExtent.height/ (double)graphicsExtent.height;
if(scaleFactor == Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY) {
scaleFactor = 1.0d;
xScaleFactor = (double)mapExtent.width/ (double)graphicsExtent.width;
if(DEBUG)System.out.println("X "+mapExtent.width+"/"+graphicsExtent.width+" "+
yScaleFactor = (double)mapExtent.height/ (double)graphicsExtent.height;
if(DEBUG)System.out.println("Y "+mapExtent.height+"/"+graphicsExtent.height+" "+
if(xScaleFactor == Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY) {
xScaleFactor = 1.0d;
if(yScaleFactor == Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY) {
yScaleFactor = 1.0d;
double[] far=toProj(graphicsExtent.width,0);
double xshift,yshift,width,height;
mapExtent.add(new GeoPoint(far[0],far[1]));
mapExtent=new GeoRectangle(mapExtent.x-xshift,mapExtent.y-yshift,mapExtent.width,mapExtent.height);
// System.out.println("Projected : "+mapExtent);
// System.out.println("Unprojected: "+unproject(mapExtent)+"/n");
if(DEBUG)System.out.println("Fireing scale changed event");
//will scale a single value
//DO NOT USE TO SCALE A value that will be used in a co-ordinate
* Converts a single geographic scaler value into on-screen units.
* DO NOT USE TO SCALE a value that will be used in a CO-ORDINATE.
* If you wish to scale a point use the point version.
* @param value The double to be scaled to on-screen units.
* @return int The on-screen units equivelent of value.
* @see toMap
public int toGraphics(double value){
value /= scaleFactor;
return (int)Math.round(value);
public final int toXGraphics(double value){
value /= xScaleFactor;
return (int)value;
public final int toYGraphics(double value){
value /= yScaleFactor;
return (int)value;
public final double[] project(double x,double y){
double p[] = new double[2];
if(projection==null){p[0] = x;p[1] = y;return p;}
p = projection.project(x,y);
return p;
public GeoRectangle project(GeoRectangle g){
if(projection==null){return new GeoRectangle(g);}
return projection.projectedExtent(g);
public final double[] unproject(double x,double y){
double p[] = new double[2];
if(projection==null){p[0] = x;p[1]=y;return p;}
p = projection.unproject(x,y);
return p;
public GeoRectangle unproject(GeoRectangle g){
if(projection==null){return new GeoRectangle(g);}
return projection.unprojectedExtent(g);
//can be used to scale a point
* returns the screen co-ordinate equvelent of a geographic point.
* It will both scale and TRANSLATE the point to the correct screen location.
* @param x The double that makes up the x part of the co-ordinate
* @param y The double that makes up the y part of the co-ordinate
* @return int[] The scaled values of x and y, int[0]=scaledx,int[1]=scaledy;
* @see toMap
public int[] toGraphics(double x,double y){
double p[] = project(x,y); //project it
int scaled[] = {0,0};
x -= mapExtent.x;
x /= scaleFactor;
y -= mapExtent.y;
y /= scaleFactor;
y = graphicsExtent.height - y;//Flip map the right way up.
scaled[0] = (int)Math.round(x);
scaled[1] = (int)Math.round(y);
return scaled;
int scaled[] = {0,0};
x -= mapExtent.x;
x /= xScaleFactor;
y -= mapExtent.y;
y /= yScaleFactor;
y = graphicsExtent.height - y;//Flip map the right way up.
scaled[0] = (int)x;
scaled[1] = (int)y;
return scaled;
* returns the screen co-ordinate equvelent of a geographic point.
* @param p The GeoPoint to scale to screen co-ordinates.
* @return int[] The scaled values of x and y, int[0]=scaledx,int[1]=scaledy;
* @see toMap
public int[] toGraphics(GeoPoint p){
return toGraphics(p.x,p.y);
* Converts a single screen units value into geographic unints.
* DO NOT USE TO SCALE a value that will be used in a CO-ORDINATE.
* @param value The int of the number of onscreen units to scale to geographic units.
* @return double The geographic equivelent of value.
* @see toGraphics
public double toMap(double value){
value *= scaleFactor;
return value;
/* this doesn't really work */
value *= scaleFactor;
return value;
//throw new InternalError("bad scale call ");
* returns the geographic co-ordinate equvelent of an on-screen point.
* It will both scale and TRANSLATE the point to the correct geographic location.
* @param x The int that makes up the x part of the co-ordinate
* @param y The int that makes up the y part of the co-ordinate
* @return double[] The scaled values of x and y, int[0]=scaledx,int[1]=scaledy;
* @see toGraphics
public double[] toMap(int x,int y){
return toMap(x,y,true);
public double[] toProj(int x,int y){
return toMap(x,y,false);
public double[] toMap(int x,int y,boolean doProjection){
double scaled[] = {0,0};
double dx,dy;
dx = (double)x;
dy = (double)y;
dx *= scaleFactor;
dx += mapExtent.x;
dy = graphicsExtent.height - y;
dy *= scaleFactor;
dy += mapExtent.y;
//scaled[0] = dx;
//scaled[1] = dy;
scaled = unproject(dx,dy);
scaled[0] = dx;
scaled[1] = dy;
return scaled;
double scaled[] = {0,0};
double dx,dy;
dx = (double)x;
dy = (double)y;
dx *= xScaleFactor;
dx += mapExtent.x;
dy = graphicsExtent.height - dy;
dy *= yScaleFactor;
dy += mapExtent.y;
scaled[0] = dx;
scaled[1] = dy;
return scaled;
public void setProjection(Projection p){
projection = p;
//Sets the scale factor, not sure this should be available
* Sets a new scale Factor, DO NOT USE.
* This is a very low level call that should not be available.
* @param scaleFactor A double for the new scaling factor
* @deprecated
public void setScaleFactor(double scaleFactor)
this.scaleFactor = scaleFactor;
//Gets the scale factor, not sure if this is usefull
* Gets the current scaling factor used by this scaler.
* @return double the current scale factor
public double getScaleFactor()
return this.scaleFactor;
* Any listeners added will be notified when ever the scale changes.
* @param sce The ScaleChangedListener to add.
public synchronized void
addScaleChangedListener(ScaleChangedListener sce) {
* Stop notification of scale change events to the given listener
* @param sce The ScaleChangedListener to remove.
public synchronized void
removeScaleChangedListener(ScaleChangedListener sce) {
* Notifies all listeners of scale change event.
protected void notifyScaleChanged() {
Vector l;
if(DEBUG)System.out.println("Scale notify");
ScaleChangedEvent sce = new ScaleChangedEvent(this,scaleFactor);
synchronized(this) {l = (Vector)listeners.clone(); }
/* if we do this in reverse order we actually tell the viewer
* that sent the event first rather than last which I think
* looks nicer if it takes any time at all to do the redraw
* if you can't see the redraw then you won't notice, if you do
* this way looks right in my code any way! Ian
for (int i = l.size()-1;i>=0;--i) {
if(DEBUG)System.out.println("notifying "+l.elementAt(i));
public void SetIsotrophic(boolean f){
* Convinence method for scaling whole polygons to screen co-ordinates.
* After calling you may want to call GeoPolygon.toAWTPolygon();
* @param poly the GeoPolygon to scale.
* @return GeoPolygon scaled version of polygon.
public GeoPolygon scalePolygon(GeoPolygon poly) {
double x[] = new double[poly.xpoints.length];
double y[] = new double[poly.ypoints.length];
int p[] = {0,0};
for(int i = 0;i < poly.xpoints.length;i++) {
p = toGraphics(poly.xpoints[i],poly.ypoints[i]);
x[i] = p[0];
y[i] = p[1];
return new GeoPolygon(poly.getID(),x,y,poly.getNPoints());