package; import java.lang.*; import java.util.Vector; import*; /** * A double presision point. * Typicaly used to store coordinates of at a high enough precision for * geographic use. */ public class GeoPoint extends GeoShape implements Serializable { public double x,y; /** * Default constructor, x,y set to 0,0. */ public GeoPoint(){ this(0,0); } /** * Constructs a double precision point at the given coordinates. * @param p A double[] where x = [0] and y = [1] */ public GeoPoint(double[] p){ this(p[0],p[1]); } /** * Constructs a double precision point at the given coordinates. * @param x A double * @param y A double */ public GeoPoint(double x,double y){ this.x = x; this.y = y; //setBounds(new GeoRectangle(x,y,0,0)); } /** * Constructs a double precision point at the given coordinates with a set id. * @param x A double * @param y A double * @param id An int of the ID for this point */ public GeoPoint(int id,double x,double y){ this.x = x; this.y = y; = id; } /** * Constructs a double precision point at the given coordinates. * @param p A point to build this point as a copy of. */ public GeoPoint(GeoPoint p){ this.x = p.x; this.y = p.y; =; } //As of 0.7.6 geopoints are nolonger imutable, which has implications //regarding safety, but should leed to less desruction/construction cycles. public void setLocation(double x,double y){ this.x = x; this.y=y; setBounds(new GeoRectangle(x,y,0,0)); } /** * gets the x part of this coordinate */ public double getX(){ return x; } /** * gets the y part of this coordinate */ public double getY(){ return y; } /** * As points have no area this always returns 0 * @return the area of the point i.e. 0 */ public double getArea(){return 0;} /** * calcualtes the distance between two points * @since 0.6.3 * @return a double for the distance */ public double getDistance(GeoPoint p){ return Math.sqrt(((p.x-x)*(p.x-x))+((p.y-y)*(p.y-y))); } /** * Gets a description of this point * @since 0.7.0 * @return A string in the form 'GeoPoint x,y' */ public String toString(){ return ("GeoPoint "+x+","+y); } /** * Tests to see if this point contains a given point
* I feel that points can not contain anything however. * @param p A GeoPoint to test * @return boolean Always false, as points can not contain anything. */ public boolean contains(GeoPoint p){ return this.equals(p); } /** * Tests to see if the two shapes intersect at all.

* * This returns true if s contains this point, or s is a point * with identical coordinates to this point. * * @param s The shape to test for intersection. * @return A boolean, true if both shapes cross in some way. * @since 0.7.1 */ public boolean intersects(GeoShape s){ if(s instanceof GeoPoint){ GeoPoint p = (GeoPoint)s; return (p.x==x && p.y==y); } return s.contains(this); } /** * Gets the bounds for this point. *
As points have position but no size, a GeoRectangle is returned with * width and height set to 0 * @return GeoRectangle the bounds of this point */ public GeoRectangle getBounds(){ return new GeoRectangle(x,y,0,0); } /** * Gets this point in a vector * @return Vector a vecotor containg a clone of this point. */ public Vector getPoints(){ Vector v = new Vector(); GeoPoint p = new GeoPoint(this); v.addElement(p); return v; } /** * tests if the specifed point is at the same location as this point * returns true if x and y coordinates match * @return boolean true if equal */ public boolean equals(Object o){ if(! (o instanceof GeoPoint)){return false;} GeoPoint p = (GeoPoint)o; return (p.x==x && p.y == y); } /** * Aritmeticaly adds the specified point to this point. * the X and Y values of both points are added and stored in this point. * * @author James Macgill JM * @since 10/May/2000 * @param p The point to add to this point. */ public void add(GeoPoint p){ setLocation(x+p.x,y+p.y); } /** * Aritmeticaly subtracts the specified point to this point. * the X and Y values of point p is subtracted from those of this point. * * @author James Macgill JM * @since 10/May/2000 * @param p The point to subtract from this point. */ public void subtract(GeoPoint p){ setLocation(x-p.x,y-p.y); } /** * Aritmeticaly divides the specified point by the given value. * the X and Y values of this point are both divided by the specified value. * * @author James Macgill JM * @since 10/May/2000 * @param v The double to divide the x and y values of this point by. */ public void divide(double v){ setLocation(((double)x)/v,((double)y)/v); } /** * Aritmeticaly multiplies the specified point by the given value. * the X and Y values of this point are both divided by the specified value. * * @author James Macgill JM * @since 9/June/2000 * @param v The double to multiply the x and y values of this point by. */ public void multiply(double v){ setLocation(((double)x)*v,((double)y)*v); } /** * Calculates the distance between this and the specified point. * * @author James Macgill JM * @since 10/May/2000 * @param p The GeoPoint to calcualte the distance to */ public double dist(GeoPoint p){ return (Math.sqrt((Math.pow(x-p.x,2)+(Math.pow(y-p.y,2))))); } }