package; import java.awt.*; import*; import java.util.*; /** * A simple label that can display items from a GeoData object. * The class implements Highlight changed listener so that it can be * attached to a highlight manager, in this way it will automaticaly display * information relating to the currently highlighted item. */ public class GeoLabel extends java.awt.Label implements { GeoData data; Hashtable table = new Hashtable(); /** * A default constructor, not much use unless you sunsequently call * setGeoData afterwards. */ public GeoLabel(){ data = new SimpleGeoData(); } /** * Constructs the GeoLabel and sets the data source to be the given GeoData * @param d A GeoData object containg the infomration for this label to display. */ public GeoLabel(GeoData d){ data = d; } /** * Sets the GeoData object to be used by this label * @param d The GeoData to use. * @deprecated */ public void setGeoData(GeoData d){ data = d; } /** * allows the GeoLabel to listen to multiple highlight managers */ public void addHighlightManager(HighlightManager hm,GeoData d){ table.put(hm,d); hm.addHighlightChangedListener(this); } /** * Gets the GeoData object currently used by this label */ public GeoData getGeoData(){ return data; } /** * Updates the label to reflect the information for the * newly highlighted feature * @param hce The HighlightChangedEvent */ public void highlightChanged(HighlightChangedEvent hce) { //System.out.println("Looking up a GD for "+hce.getSource()); GeoData d = (GeoData)table.get((HighlightManager)hce.getSource()); if(d!=null){ //System.out.println("Found a geodata for that hm"); setText(d.getText(hce.getHighlighted()).trim()); invalidate(); return; } if(data!=null){ setText(data.getText(hce.getHighlighted())); invalidate(); } } }