Hugh Thornton from ENCAMS joined the ASAP Research Cluster meeting 2006-02-08 to ask for Expressions of Interest on an ONS/ENCAMS Pilot Study.
Gordon Mitchell and Andy Turner expressed interest and met to discuss details. These notes document this meeting and provide a platform for further collaboration.
Hugh produced the following briefing document:
Additionally, for background Hugh provided the following document on a broader study:
The LEQSE has been done yearly since 2001. ONS and ENCAMS are seeking advice not on the National LEQ Survey itself, but in relation to the Pilot Study described in the BRIEFING NOTE
There has been criticism of the sampling schemes employed. ONS and ENCAMS are seeking expert statistical advice in a Pilot Study. The idea is to compare the variability and uncertainties associated with random, systematic and existing LEQSE sampling methodologies, and to assess the implications of weighting the survey results by land use.
Upto £10K is available to fund this work.
The work must be backed up by a recognised expert in sampling methodology.
What is being done:
What ENCAMS want: