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About the Conference

The Fifth International Conference on GeoComputation was hosted by the University of Greenwich's School of Earth and Environmental Sciences at their Medway Campus, Chatham Maritime, Kent, UK on 23 - 25 August 2000.

Focusing on the interface between geography and computing, the conference comprised presentations on topics including inductive learning tools, cellular automata, cluster recognition, data mining, World Wide Web developments, data models, languages for analysis, digital elevation modelling, modelling linear features, expert systems and smart techniques. 

Grenville Building

Grenville Building

Financial support:

University of Greenwich logo   Pembroke Building  

What is GeoComputation?

* GeoComputation is an international research conference series initiated in 1996. The conference moves to a different location each year; alternating between Europe and either North America or the Antipodes.
* GeoComputation attracts delegates from all parts of the world; but especially from the United Kingdom, the European Union, North America, Australia and New Zealand. Papers and presentations are in English.
* Hot links to past conferences and past proceedings: GeoComputation Conference Series Home Page

Conference aims and objectives:

* to attract researchers and presenters of international standing
* to facilitate global networking between institutions and individuals
* to promote active collaboration amongst workers from diverse parent disciplines
* to create an international focus for current state-of-the-art research
* to provide a mechanism for disseminating the latest innovations and discoveries
* to highlight the benefits and limitations of new computational techniques
* to act as a constructive forum for inter-disciplinary discussion of research ideas
* to generate a framework that allows newcomers to see their work in an international context
* to indicate fruitful directions for further research

GeoComputation email list:

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International Steering Group

Mr Bob Abrahart  University of Greenwich, UK
Prof George Benwell  University of Otago, NZ
Ms Catherine Dibble  University of California, Santa Barbara, USA
Dr Judy Ehlen  U.S. Engineer Research and Development Center, USA
Dr Mark Gahegan  Pennsylvania State University, USA
Dr Brian Lees  Australian National University, AUS
Prof Paul Longley  University of Bristol, UK
Dr Bill Macmillan  University of Oxford, UK
Prof Stan Openshaw  University of Leeds, UK
Dr Richard Pascoe  University of Otago, NZ
Dr David Puller  University of Queensland, AUS

Local Organising Team

Bob Abrahart  University of Greenwich
Bruce Carlisle  University of Greenwich
Cecilia MacLeod  University of Greenwich
Ben Holmes  University of Greenwich
Fakhar Khalid  University of Greenwich
Adrian Porter  University of Greenwich