GeoComputation Logo

PHRASES – 5th International Conference on GeoComputation, University of Greenwich, Chatham Campus, UK, 2000

Phrase/Phrase Frequency/Abstract Frequency

spatial data 19 11
voronoi diagram(s) 17 4
data set(s) 15 6
geographic minimal element(s) 15 2
genetic algorithm(s) 11 4
cellular automata 11 2
spatial object(s) 11 2
spatial analysis 7 5
constrained fuzzy cellular automata tool 7 1
flag operator 7 1
artificial neural networks 6 3
census data 6 3
data structure 6 3
digital elevation 6 3
study area 6 3
neural networks 6 2
map algebra 6 1
mountain pixel 6 1
gis software 5 4
information elements 5 2
spatial queries 5 2
density information 5 1
geostat office 5 1
wide range 4 4
different types 4 3
digital elevation models 4 3
study region 4 3
time series 4 3
elevation model(s) 4 2
new characteristics 4 2
attribute representations 4 1
automatic clustering 4 1
demographic variable 4 1
digital elevation model 4 1
global positioning system 4 1
integral equation 4 1
marine ecological patrol 4 1
mountain features 4 1
nearest neighbour 4 1
spatial proximity 4 1
surface topology 4 1
whatif analysis 4 1
analytical capabilities 3 3
case study 3 3
cluster analysis 3 3
geographic information 3 3
paper presents 3 3
real data 3 3
significant challenges 3 3
web site 3 3
analysis tools 3 2
data mining 3 2
gis technology 3 2
satellite images 3 2
transition rules 3 2
urban system(s) 3 2
best relative placement 3 1
collapsible soil 3 1
conflict resolution strategies 3 1
contour data 3 1
delaunay diagram 3 1
density distribution 3 1
expert systems 3 1
field data 3 1
fishery stocks 3 1
grid square 3 1
inference capability 3 1
input parameter 3 1
knowledge acquisition 3 1
landscape analysis 3 1
lava flow 3 1
logical reasoning 3 1
macrophyte presence 3 1
manual classification 3 1
map layers 3 1
maximum value 3 1
moisture content 3 1
mountain transformation 3 1
neotectonic terrain 3 1
new values 3 1
nonmountain pixel 3 1
point data sets 3 1
prediction mapping 3 1
region growing segmentation 3 1
remote sensing 3 1
residential patterns 3 1
ridge pixels 3 1
sediment concentration 3 1
sediment rating curves 3 1
skilled interpreter 3 1
soil moisture content 3 1
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surface networks 3 1
synthetic aperture radar images 3 1
training sites 3 1
urban dynamics 3 1
valley pixels 3 1
voronoi modelling 3 1
analytical potential 2 2
basic structure 2 2
catchment area 2 2
complex systems 2 2
comprehensive approach 2 2
computational tool(s) 2 2
computer simulation 2 2
conventional approach(es) 2 2
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spot image(s) 2 2
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natural disasters management 2 1
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