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PHRASES – 4th International Conference on GeoComputation, Mary Washington College, Fredericksburg, VA, USA, 1999

Phrase/Phrase Frequency/Abstract Frequency

digital elevation model 13 5
paper describes 12 12
data sets 10 9
remote sensing 10 6
cellular automata 9 3
training data 8 2
Flat triangles 8 1
hydraulic geometry 7 1
spatial data 6 5
spatial distribution 6 5
study area 6 4
irregular network 6 2
application quality data 6 1
conditional variance 6 1
flat triangle 6 1
digital elevation models 5 5
neural networks 5 5
hydrologic modelling 5 4
neural network 5 4
spatial analysis 5 3
two dimensional 5 3
data values 5 2
field of view 5 2
ordinary kriging 5 2
irregular networks model 5 1
ordinary kriging variance 5 1
different parts 4 4
elevation models 4 4
geographic space 4 4
data set 4 3
land cover 4 3
spatial statistics 4 3
cell space 4 2
decision tree 4 2
fuzzy classification 4 2
sensed data 4 2
training set 4 2
triangulated irregular 4 2
drainage area 4 1
indicator kriging 4 1
quality data 4 1
video surveillance 4 1
case study 3 3
results show 3 3
urban areas 3 3
cellular model 3 2
data analysis 3 2
exploratory data analysis 3 2
field data 3 2
geographic data 3 2
ground truth 3 2
mineral occurrence 3 2
regular grid 3 2
sediment transport 3 2
site specific 3 2
source data 3 2
spatial correlation 3 2
accessibility evaluation 3 1
attribute space 3 1
binary predictor patterns 3 1
complete spatial randomness 3 1
continental divide 3 1
contour data set 3 1
data space 3 1
digital terrain model 3 1
ecological models 3 1
generalisation transformations 3 1
generalised map 3 1
geographical analysis machine 3 1
geospatial data 3 1
geospatial information 3 1
graph based cellular automata 3 1
ground water 3 1
instantaneous field of view 3 1
inter map 3 1
mineral occurrence points 3 1
monitoring researchers 3 1
monte carlo process 3 1
root mean square error 3 1
saliency analysis 3 1
scale gold occurrences 3 1
selforganising map 3 1
small scale gold occurrences 3 1
stream order 3 1
thiessen polygons 3 1
transmittance yields model 3 1
Previous work 2 2
Results show 2 2
analysis tools 2 2
area near 2 2
area of spatial analysis 2 2
cellular automata model 2 2
classification process 2 2
conventional methods 2 2
decision support 2 2
delaunay triangulation 2 2
different approach 2 2
different approaches 2 2
drainage density 2 2
earth's surface 2 2
economic activity 2 2
environmental conditions 2 2
exploratory spatial data analysis 2 2
following conference topics 2 2
fuzzy logic 2 2
genetic algorithm 2 2
geologic maps 2 2
gis community 2 2
given point 2 2
greater accuracy 2 2
hyperspectral data 2 2
hyperspectral imagery 2 2
initial results 2 2
lesser degree 2 2
main objective 2 2
maximum likelihood 2 2
number of problems 2 2
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operational system 2 2
paper addresses 2 2
paper considers 2 2
paper discusses 2 2
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paper focuses 2 2
paper introduces 2 2
paper investigates 2 2
paper presents 2 2
paper proposes 2 2
paper provides 2 2
particular region 2 2
physical properties 2 2
pixel values 2 2
population census 2 2
rapid changes 2 2
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research project 2 2
results of applying 2 2
selforganising system 2 2
simulated data 2 2
slope stability 2 2
small scales 2 2
spatial autocorrelation 2 2
spatial domain 2 2
spatial interpolation techniques 2 2
spatial modelling 2 2
spatial patterns 2 2
specific knowledge 2 2
spectral data 2 2
statistical methods 2 2
supervised classifier 2 2
surface features 2 2
surface processes 2 2
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thin clients 2 2
time step 2 2
topological structure 2 2
traditional methods 2 2
training phase 2 2
unsampled locations 2 2
urban system 2 2
vector format 2 2
vice versa 2 2
Augmented seriation 2 1
Current practice 2 1
Data fusion 2 1
Monte carlo simulation 2 1
acceptable prediction 2 1
aliasing error 2 1
analysis machine 2 1
analysis tool 2 1
application of process models 2 1
artificial intelligence techniques 2 1
automatic sampling 2 1
biochemistry exhibiting reflectance 2 1
bonds percolation model 2 1
boundary pairs 2 1
cellular automata modelling 2 1
cellular level 2 1
chlorophyll content 2 1
classification approach 2 1
classification performance 2 1
classification scheme 2 1
climate change 2 1
computational methods 2 1
computer scientists 2 1
conceptual links 2 1
conditional cumulative distribution function 2 1
crop yields 2 1
current paper describes 2 1
data fusion 2 1
data types 2 1
demonstration site 2 1
development process 2 1
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digital photogrammetry 2 1
dynamic behaviour 2 1
economic activities 2 1
empirical associations 2 1
entropy measures 2 1
equivalent boundaries 2 1
evolution of perceived links 2 1
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feature space 2 1
fine resolution grid 2 1
forest bio geo chemical model 2 1
form elements 2 1
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geometric forms 2 1
geoscientific disciplines 2 1
gis serves 2 1
height estimates 2 1
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high performance parallel 2 1
hydrologic fields 2 1
hydrothermal alteration 2 1
identify areas 2 1
identify local areas 2 1
information services 2 1
inter map swapping technique 2 1
interaction of radiation 2 1
internal migration 2 1
key variables water 2 1
known large scale gold occurrences 2 1
landsat tm 2 1
landscape elements 2 1
latent heat fluxes 2 1
leaf incorporating 2 1
linear programming 2 1
longer time scales 2 1
lowest neighbour 2 1
lowest point 2 1
macro scale model 2 1
main channel 2 1
management decision support system 2 1
map of proximity 2 1
mass movements 2 1
matching boundary pairs 2 1
maximum ordinary kriging variance 2 1
mentioned variables 2 1
meteorological fields 2 1
model building 2 1
model coefficients 2 1
modelling language 2 1
monitoring stations 2 1
multi engine spatial 2 1
nonfolding constraints 2 1
number of cells 2 1
numerical methods 2 1
object oriented approach 2 1
operational systems 2 1
optimal site 2 1
overall relief measures 2 1
parts of boundaries 2 1
perceived links 2 1
performance emphasised production environment 2 1
phenomenological investigation 2 1
pluralistic world 2 1
population micro data 2 1
predefined distance 2 1
predictor pattern 2 1
prior probability 2 1
probability model 2 1
probability vector 2 1
production environment 2 1
proportional stream order 2 1
radiance sums 2 1
radon concentration 2 1
reference image 2 1
relief statistics 2 1
research effort 2 1
residential behaviour 2 1
residential mobility 2 1
resulting map of posterior 2 1
sample performance 2 1
sample sets 2 1
sampling point 2 1
satellite images 2 1
scatter plot 2 1
sediment export 2 1
separating hyperplanes 2 1
service architecture 2 1
simple prototype 2 1
simplistic methods 2 1
site field 2 1
slope angle 2 1
soil moisture 2 1
soil thickness 2 1
spatial configuration 2 1
spatial data model 2 1
spatial entities 2 1
spatial point pattern 2 1
specific class 2 1
strategy parameters 2 1
sudden elevation change 2 1
surface normals 2 1
surface observations 2 1
surface water 2 1
sustainable urban development 2 1
test data 2 1
three dimensional topology 2 1
training time 2 1
type of system 2 1
unconditional simulation 2 1
underlying terrain 2 1
urban form 2 1
vector topological data 2 1
visual methods 2 1
wavelet transform 2 1
welling areas 2 1
wild land 2 1
zones having posterior 2 1
zones of gold potential 2 1
Adapted nonlinear 1 1
Altogether homicide cases 1 1
Analysis of short term 1 1
Analytical signal analysis 1 1
Animations showing 1 1
Applications of irrigation scheduling 1 1
Approaches based 1 1
Army tactical operations 1 1
Augmented seriation uses 1 1
Augmented seriation's maps 1 1
Average elevation 1 1
Bayesian maximum entropy 1 1
Boundary matching 1 1
Byway of illustration 1 1
Cell states 1 1
Cellular automata 1 1
Circulation patterns of water 1 1
Class information 1 1
Commercial sources 1 1
Compositional data 1 1
Compositional data sets 1 1
Cross validation 1 1
Current work 1 1
Data analysis 1 1
Data warehousing 1 1
Decision makers 1 1
Derived fields 1 1
Development scenarios 1 1
Differential evolution 1 1
Direct measurements 1 1
Distributed models 1 1
Efficient storage of mesh 1 1
Embedded functions 1 1
Environmental media 1 1
Erosion takes place 1 1
Existing work 1 1
Experiments comparing 1 1
Flat ridge 1 1
Flat ridges 1 1
Flow directions 1 1
Frontier settlement 1 1
Fuzzy logic 1 1
Geographically weighted regression 1 1
Geological data 1 1
Geospatial objects 1 1
Gis technology 1 1
Global search 1 1
Gradient images 1 1
Graph structure measures 1 1
Ground conductivity 1 1
Ground truthed 1 1
Having updated 1 1
Hotspot analyses 1 1
Household attribute data 1 1
Hydraulic geometry 1 1
Implementation of neural 1 1
Initial results 1 1
Initial results assessed 1 1
Intercomparison results 1 1
Internet triangulation stations 1 1
Intersecting application 1 1
Introduced stationary 1 1
Lack of knowledge 1 1
Larger prediction errors 1 1
Lateral movement occurs 1 1
Long term trends 1 1
Material properties 1 1
Measured values 1 1
Methodologies range 1 1
Micro simulation 1 1
Micro simulation framework 1 1
Micro simulation model 1 1
Migration data 1 1
Model agents 1 1
Model output 1 1
Model structure 1 1
Models of landscape 1 1
Multi agent simulation 1 1
Multiple data sources 1 1
Multivariate discriminant function 1 1
Near surface accumulations 1 1
Neural networks 1 1
New information 1 1
Nonspatial tools 1 1
Numerical results show 1 1
Numerical systems 1 1
Organisational groupings 1 1
Orientations of define 1 1
Particle size distribution 1 1
Planning policies 1 1
Preliminary results 1 1
Principal variables 1 1
Qualitative thematic maps 1 1
Radio communications 1 1
Remote information 1 1
Remote users 1 1
Remove Flat triangles 1 1
Requested data sets 1 1
Research methods 1 1
Resistivity measurements suggested 1 1
Results demonstrate 1 1
Results indicate 1 1
Results obtained 1 1
Saliency analysis 1 1
Samples of application 1 1
Sediment export records 1 1
Significant benefit of adopting 1 1
Simulation experiments 1 1
Slope profile 1 1
Small interpolation errors 1 1
Software experimentation 1 1
Source code 1 1
Spatial autocorrelation 1 1
Spatially distributed 1 1
Special emphasis 1 1
Statistical classifiers 1 1
Stem owes 1 1
Today accessibility measurement 1 1
Traditional classification procedures 1 1
Urban development 1 1
Vegetation plots 1 1
Vertical water movement 1 1
Volume features 1 1
Wide variety 1 1
abrupt changes 1 1
absence of mineral 1 1
academic respectability 1 1
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accept moisture 1 1
acceptable level of error 1 1
acceptable minimum 1 1
acceptable sample grid 1 1
acceptable standard 1 1
access accurate data 1 1
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accompanying accurate ground 1 1
accuracies better 1 1
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