GeoComputation Logo

PHRASES – 3rd International Conference on GeoComputation, University of Bristol, UK, 1998

Phrase/Phrase Frequency/Abstract Frequency

spatial data 13 8
spatial analysis 7 7
spatial relations 7 4
data set 5 4
spatial resolution 5 3
catchment scale 5 2
neural network 4 4
paper describes 4 4
digital elevation models 4 3
sensed data 4 2
complex characteristic form model 4 1
residential land 4 1
visibility index 4 1
weighted regression 4 1
census data 3 3
data sets 3 3
digital elevation model 3 3
neural networks 3 3
paper presents 3 3
study area 3 3
cellular automata 3 2
data models 3 2
drainage basin 3 2
soil erosion 3 2
spatial databases 3 2
spatial interaction models 3 2
spatial patterns 3 2
take place 3 2
transition rules 3 2
visual intrusion 3 2
characteristic form 3 1
computational laboratories 3 1
ecosystem management decision support 3 1
form model 3 1
functional patterns 3 1
given hillslope 3 1
land cover polygons 3 1
mini raster 3 1
neighbourhood classification 3 1
road network generalisation 3 1
spatial information systems 3 1
spatial variation 3 1
stream of attractors 3 1
temporal scales 3 1
thermal model 3 1
vegetation cover 3 1
visualisation techniques 3 1
case study 2 2
data integration 2 2
data model 2 2
decision support 2 2
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different variables 2 2
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earth's surface 2 2
elevation model 2 2
enumeration districts 2 2
factor of safety 2 2
fundamental problems 2 2
gauging stations 2 2
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geographic space 2 2
gis environment 2 2
gis packages 2 2
giving rise 2 2
high resolution data 2 2
human intervention 2 2
hydrologic modelling 2 2
integrating data 2 2
land cover 2 2
large number 2 2
larger scales 2 2
model resolution 2 2
new approach 2 2
new model 2 2
numerical modelling 2 2
paper concludes 2 2
paper explores 2 2
paper investigates 2 2
paper provides 2 2
paper reviews 2 2
paper shows 2 2
pore water pressure 2 2
rainfall amounts 2 2
recent advances 2 2
results demonstrate 2 2
results show 2 2
river flow prediction 2 2
sediment transport 2 2
spatial data quality 2 2
spatial features 2 2
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spatial scale 2 2
support system 2 2
system allows 2 2
time consuming 2 2
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visualisation tools 2 2
active layer 2 1
air pollution 2 1
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area level 2 1
avoiding large detours 2 1
bounding rectangle 2 1
built environment 2 1
candidate pattern classes 2 1
case based reasoning 2 1
census of population 2 1
complex characteristic 2 1
crisp bayesian model 2 1
critical slip surface 2 1
decision making process 2 1
declarative specification 2 1
density gradients 2 1
derived indices 2 1
diagenetic processes 2 1
different processes 2 1
different types 2 1
digital terrain model 2 1
ecological site classification 2 1
enumeration district centroid 2 1
environmental variables 2 1
erosion rate 2 1
evaluation scheme 2 1
exploratory data analysis 2 1
extreme hydrometeorological conditions 2 1
feedforward neural network 2 1
fractal dimension 2 1
full paper 2 1
geomarketing decision 2 1
geometric constraints 2 1
geometric features 2 1
geophysical data 2 1
global scale 2 1
grid squares 2 1
head cut 2 1
hierarchical spatial reasoning 2 1
hydrologic model 2 1
ice sheet 2 1
information flows 2 1
inverse problem approach 2 1
kinematic wave approximation 2 1
laser induced direction 2 1
lifestyle databases 2 1
local government area 2 1
measure latencies 2 1
micro topography 2 1
modelling spatial processes 2 1
multilevel analysis 2 1
neighbourhood identification 2 1
new sediment sources 2 1
overall behaviour 2 1
particular reference 2 1
pcraster dynamic modelling language 2 1
platform architecture 2 1
plot scale 2 1
postcode sectors 2 1
qualitative spatial reasoning 2 1
quantitative reasoning 2 1
rainfall runoff processes 2 1
ranging data data 2 1
routing methods 2 1
scattered radiation 2 1
sediment behaviour 2 1
sediment production 2 1
sediment transport equation 2 1
service centres 2 1
site selection 2 1
size classes 2 1
social neighbourhoods 2 1
socioeconomic data 2 1
sparsity measure 2 1
spatial data analysis 2 1
spatial decision 2 1
spatial distribution 2 1
spatial matching 2 1
spatial systems 2 1
structural analytical modelling system 2 1
structural patterns 2 1
training process 2 1
urban form 2 1
virtual worlds 2 1
water depths 2 1
zonal systems 2 1
Alternative evaluation measures 1 1
Areal estimates 1 1
Automated cartographic generalisation 1 1
Balance velocities 1 1
Complex characteristic 1 1
Complex geographic systems 1 1
Computed flow fields 1 1
Computer models 1 1
Computers located 1 1
Correct path gives 1 1
Crucial issues 1 1
Daily rainfall 1 1
Data volume reduction 1 1
Detailed work 1 1
Different data resolution 1 1
Dryland salinity occurs 1 1
Ecflood simulates runoff 1 1
Ecological site 1 1
Episys interrogation program 1 1
Especially simulating transport 1 1
Estuary scale 1 1
Examples of models 1 1
Factor of safety 1 1
Finally different 1 1
Fractal measurements 1 1
Fuzziness occurs 1 1
Fuzzy clustering methods 1 1
Fuzzy numbers 1 1
Fuzzy set theory 1 1
General circulation models 1 1
Generally speaking 1 1
Geographic processes 1 1
Geographic spaces come 1 1
Geometric feature 1 1
Geomorphometric analysis 1 1
Geophysical surveys 1 1
Gis provides 1 1
Gis technology 1 1
Graphic exploratory methods 1 1
Hard coding 1 1
Hydrologic models 1 1
Individual models ranging 1 1
Initial results proved 1 1
Key components 1 1
Known astronomical 1 1
Kohonen type 1 1
Maps of functional patterns 1 1
Marketing instruments 1 1
Mass movements 1 1
Miles mechanisms 1 1
Model performance 1 1
Modelled estimates 1 1
Models built 1 1
Multivariate census data 1 1
Networks reproduce 1 1
Numerous investigations 1 1
Numerous studies 1 1
Past research 1 1
Potential errors 1 1
Previous work 1 1
Process regimes change 1 1
Regional planning processes 1 1
Results suggest 1 1
Richardson number 1 1
Sediment transport 1 1
Simulation of texture 1 1
Soil morphometry relationships 1 1
Spatial similarity 1 1
Specific individual models 1 1
Statistical tools 1 1
Stochastic methods 1 1
Surface models of population 1 1
Technological development 1 1
Topographic data 1 1
Traditional computational approaches 1 1
Transnational river basins 1 1
Various strategies 1 1
abandon spatial explanations 1 1
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acceptance of polythetic classification 1 1
accompanying digital boundary data 1 1
accumulation minus ablation 1 1
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affect house prices 1 1
affecting global climate 1 1
agent based simulation model 1 1
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