GeoComputation Logo

PHRASES – 1st International Conference on GeoComputation, University of Leeds, UK, 1996

Phrase/Phrase Frequency/Abstract Frequency

paper describes 11 11
field data 10 1
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serial killers 5 1
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killers' home bases 4 1
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neural networks 4 1
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regional environmental decision making 4 1
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spatial process modelling system 4 1
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ukpop model 4 1
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computational geography 3 1
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environmental management 3 1
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ozone concentrations 3 1
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region growing parameters 3 1
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visualisation design 3 1
visualisation methods 3 1
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Spatial relations 2 2
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Agent interactions 2 1
Analogue selection 2 1
Current versions 2 1
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Genetic programming 2 1
Linear regression of average 2 1
Soil structure 2 1
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statistical spatial analysis 2 1
summer ozone concentrations 2 1
surge type glaciers 2 1
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target zones 2 1
technology of virtual reality 2 1
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tertiary unit water course 2 1
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thematic three dimensional maps 2 1
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three dimensional conceptual model 2 1
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tight coupling strategy 2 1
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toolbox environment 2 1
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topological reasoning 2 1
topological relations 2 1
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travelling salesman problem 2 1
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ukpop model provides 2 1
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unitary authorities 2 1
unknown areas 2 1
unmixed model 2 1
urban area 2 1
usual data models 2 1
vector maps 2 1
victims' abduction sites 2 1
virtual environments 2 1
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visualisation design space 2 1
vortex cell linkage 2 1
web client 2 1
white noise 2 1
working units 2 1
zones contiguous 2 1
Acceptable performance 1 1
Acsl's capabilities 1 1
Agent based simulations 1 1
Agents represent 1 1
Analysis of literature 1 1
Anticipated users 1 1
Application environment 1 1
Approaches based 1 1
Areal interpolation 1 1
Artificial life 1 1
Artificial life simulations 1 1
Asa result 1 1
Auxiliary information 1 1
Block size analysis 1 1
Camotius offers 1 1
Carlo approach 1 1
Carlo method 1 1
Case studies 1 1
Cellular automata 1 1
Cellular automata lack 1 1
Cellular automata models 1 1
Classical spherical trigonometry 1 1
Cloning option 1 1
Combined lists 1 1
Commercial gis 1 1
Comparative study of maps 1 1
Comparisons of kriging 1 1
Computational geometry 1 1
Computational software 1 1
Computer simulated data 1 1
Computer systems play 1 1
Computing advances 1 1
Conclusions focus 1 1
Consider watching 1 1
Contemporary transformations 1 1
Conventional statistical methods 1 1
Current gis 1 1
Current spatial databases 1 1
Current systems behave 1 1
Data collected 1 1
Data models 1 1
Decision makers working 1 1
Decision support systems 1 1
Demographic measures 1 1
Despite recent progress 1 1
Detailed data 1 1
Detailed ward level 1 1
Development of new types 1 1
Development of scenarios 1 1
Different forms of contours 1 1
Difficulties arise 1 1
Difficulties encountered 1 1
Difficulties faced 1 1
Digital terrain model 1 1
Discussions of concepts of space 1 1
Displaying information 1 1
Displaying temporal data 1 1
Drainage network studies 1 1
Drainage networks 1 1
Dynamic behaviour 1 1
Dynamic visualisations refer 1 1
Early mid work 1 1
Ecological studies focus 1 1
Empirical analysis 1 1
Enhancement option 1 1
Enumeration districts 1 1
Equally successful parameterisations 1 1
Error correcting 1 1
Estimates of values 1 1
Euclidean distance matrix 1 1
Example questions 1 1
Examples of features 1 1
Existing approaches tend 1 1
Exploration of multivariate data 1 1
Extended sql 1 1
Extremely simple tests 1 1
Field evidence suggests 1 1
Forest managers 1 1
Formal notations 1 1
Fractal geometry 1 1
Fractal time series 1 1
Fracture plunge 1 1
Free objects 1 1
Frequency distributions 1 1
Fuzzy approaches 1 1
Fuzzy cluster analysis 1 1
Fuzzy concepts suit 1 1
Fuzzy logic 1 1
Fuzzy logic modelling 1 1
Fuzzy modelling 1 1
Fuzzy ratings 1 1
Generalised linear modelling 1 1
Generally speaking 1 1
Genetic algorithms 1 1
Genetic operations of crossover 1 1
Genetic programming changes 1 1
Geoalgebra formalises 1 1
Geographic profiling 1 1
Geographically referenced data 1 1
Geoiconometry comprises 1 1
Gis maturity 1 1
Gis packages 1 1
Gis spatial operators 1 1
Glaciers showing 1 1
Global change research 1 1
Global scale databases 1 1
Graph data models 1 1
Horizontal trace planes 1 1
Hydrologic modelling 1 1
Identification of useful functionality 1 1
Imagine looking 1 1
Incorporation of knowledge 1 1
Indigenous names relate 1 1
Individual agents 1 1
Individual organisations 1 1
Individual resources 1 1
Individuals living 1 1
Industry refers 1 1
Informally speaking 1 1
Infostats includes 1 1
Input coverages 1 1
Integration offers 1 1
Intelligent agents 1 1
Interesting features 1 1
Internal migration data 1 1
Interward migrant flows 1 1
Irrigation water 1 1
Issues related 1 1
Knowledge pro 1 1
Land cover change 1 1
Land sea breezes 1 1
Landslide hazard 1 1
Landslide mapping amounts 1 1
Large computer displays 1 1
Large displays 1 1
Linear regression 1 1
Lists identify 1 1
Local linear regression 1 1
Lois aims 1 1
Major component 1 1
Mathematical model building 1 1
Mathematical modelling 1 1
Measurement errors 1 1
Menu pick starts 1 1
Mineral deposits 1 1
Modifying designs 1 1
Morrison's equation 1 1
Morrison's surface 1 1
Multi agency 1 1
Multi agent systems 1 1
Network speeds 1 1
Neural network clones 1 1
Nonlinear mapping 1 1
Normally areal interpolation 1 1
Number of prototypes 1 1
Numerous efforts 1 1
Objects representing 1 1
Observed speedups of times 1 1
Ongoing work 1 1
Optimal methods 1 1
Optimal regions involve 1 1
Ore deposits 1 1
Output data files 1 1
Ozone chemistry 1 1
Parallel hardware 1 1
Parallel software standards 1 1
Partial visualisations 1 1
Partially shaped objects 1 1
Poisson regression 1 1
Possible analogues 1 1
Potential pitfalls 1 1
Preliminary results 1 1
Previous papers 1 1
Previous studies 1 1
Previously researchers 1 1
Problem of equal importance 1 1
Project creation 1 1
Providing better information 1 1
Providing users 1 1
Rapid glacier sliding 1 1
Raster data 1 1
Raster data map 1 1
Raw database 1 1
Recent advances 1 1
Recent refinement 1 1
Recent work 1 1
Reconciling models 1 1
Rectangular blocks represent 1 1
Regression parameters 1 1
Remaining difficulties 1 1
Research associated 1 1
Research matters surrounding 1 1
Results suggest 1 1
Rillgrow models 1 1
Rose diagrams 1 1
Rudimentary operations 1 1
Rule based programming 1 1
Running simulations 1 1
Runoff coefficients 1 1
Runtime commands create 1 1
Saying space 1 1
Selforganising maps 1 1
Semantics behaviour 1 1
Shapeless objects 1 1
Similar sequences 1 1
Simple example analysis 1 1
Simple factors 1 1
Simulated joint spacings 1 1
Simultaneous study 1 1
Simultaneous study of maps 1 1
Slope angle 1 1
Small random 1 1
Solution complexity 1 1
Source code 1 1
Spatial cases 1 1
Spatial databases 1 1
Spatial dynamic 1 1
Spatial expert shell 1 1
Spatial interaction modelling 1 1
Spatial interactions 1 1
Spatial statistics 1 1
Standard genetic algorithms 1 1
Statistical framework 1 1
Statistical methods 1 1
Statistical quality measures 1 1
Structurally complex formations 1 1
Substantial variations 1 1
Supercomputers represent 1 1
Surrogate numerical indicator 1 1
Suspect prioritisation 1 1
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Swarm supports 1 1
Three dimensional modelling 1 1
Tools based 1 1
Topics addressed 1 1
Topological relations 1 1
Trials based 1 1
Uncertain areas 1 1
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Various approaches 1 1
Various case studies 1 1
Various researchers 1 1
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Vizard explains 1 1
Vizard's knowledge base 1 1
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