Task 2 - Introduction to PostgreSQL and pgAdmin
We have created a PostgreSQL database instance named 'geog5871
' on the dialogplus.leeds.ac.uk remote server.
In this task you will:
- Create a connection to the geog5871 database instance.
- Interrogate the existing ‘tweets’ tables using SQL.
- Create your own table using additional data-sets.
Interfacing with PostgreSQL using pgAdmin
If you are using a computer on the University of Leeds network (or connected to the VPN off campus) you can connect directly to the
PostgreSQL database instance on the dialogplus.leeds.ac.uk server through pgAdmin.
pgAdmin is a free and open source administration and development platform for PostgreSQL.
- Open pgAdmin now (available to install here if you are working at home, otherwise use the Windows search).
(Note: if you are installing this on your own machine and it is 64bit, you may need the Microsoft 32bit Visual C++
redistribution. The error you’ll see is along the lines of "msvcp120.dll not installed on your machine").
If you are accessing the server from outside the university OR are using a laptop in the university, before you attempt to log on to the server, make sure that you have activated the VPN.
Connect to the dialogplus.leeds.ac.uk server by first right-clicking 'servers' in the browser panel at the top left hand side of the page,
then 'create > server' this opens a new dialog window.
In the 'Create-server' dialogue box, under the 'Connection' tab, enter the following credentials including the database
username and password, remember this is different to your personal dialogplus username and password and is available from the 'usernames' file on Minerva:
In the general tab:
Name: geog5871
In the connection tab:
Host name / address: dialogplus.leeds.ac.uk
Port: 5432
Username: XXX
Password: XXX
Click save and you should see the geog5871 connection in the browser panel.
pgAdmin has extensive functionality which makes it easy to query, edit and display data.
Expand the geog5871 connection and view the different subdirectories enclosed within.
Find the 'tweets' table located in Databases > geog5871 > Schemas > public > Tables, and explore the data.
How many columns are there? How many rows are there? Which column is the primary key (i.e. the list of IDs, unique to each row)?
This data represents tweets that were collected during Hurricane Sandy. Unique usernames and anything else that may be used to
identify an individual user has been removed and replaced with 'NA'. There are a number of other tables saved in the
database from previous years. Explore these now to see what data is available to you (feel free to use these, but do not
delete anything you haven't created and ensure you attribute any datasets you haven't used).
Querying the Data
- Select Tools > Query tool from the top toolbar. This query builder allows you to query the
data using Structured Query Language (SQL). There is also the option to use pgSQL; spatially enabled structured query language.
Although this database is a PostgreSQL database, the data within it is not currently spatially enabled.
- Use the w3 schools web pages to work out how to build
an SQL query to select all messages that were tweeted on day 30 of the sample. Make a note of the syntax you used.
- Build a further expression which selects tweets from day 30 of the sample which mention the word 'Hurricane'. You
should also make a note of the syntax you used.
Creating a Table
- As well as querying data from existing tables, you can also create your own tables within the database.
Visit the spreadsheet page on the USGS webpage and
download data in CSV format for all earthquakes which have occurred in the past month. Open this file in excel
to view the data. Tidy up the spreadsheet so that only; 'time', 'latitude', 'longitude', 'depth', 'magnitude' and 'place'
remain. You should also insert a column at the beginning of the spreadsheet and create a unique numeric ID for each record.
I recommend starting at 1 in the first row and incrementing the number for each record (please don't do this manually!).
Save the changes to the CSV file and close.
- In pgAdmin, right click on Tables in the left hand Object Browser and select Create > New Table.
You now need to create a table definition for the Earthquake data. Add a title in the General tab, leave the schema
as public and the tablespace as pg_default. In the columns tab, add a new column for each column
in the dataset and choose an appropriate data type for each(choose wisely – we recommend numeric and varying character). Set a suitable length
and precision for each field and set the ID as not null. Your tables will be saved in the same location, we recommend that you
include your username in the title so you can identify your table once it has been
created e.g. georo_earthquakes (Ensure that you use lower case for naming your table). Once happy with your
table definition, click OK to create the table. It will be empty at this point.
- Highlight the newly created table and select Tools> Import/Export from the top toolbar. Check your table name appears in title of
the window and Import the Earthquakes CSV file into the table. Select 'Header' checkbox and browse to your Earthquakes CSV file. All
other options can be left as default.
- View the data to ensure it has imported correctly, you can make changes after creation via 'Table properties'.
If you create a table incorrectly, or you are not planning to use it, please DELETE THE TABLE so as not to clog up the
Further queries - Portfolio submission
This task forms part of the portfolio submission. For each of the following use cases you should submit:
- The SQL code (in text format).
- A screenshot of the code in the Query tool
- A list of returned results (the first few rows only - not the entire table).
Import these elements into a word document and submit to Turnitin as part of your portfolio submission. Here are the use cases:
- Select all tweets from the tweets table that were tweeted on day 30 of the sample
- Select all tweets from the tweets table that were tweeted on day 30 of the sample and include the keyword 'Hurricane'
- Select all records from your Earthquakes table which occured in Japan and have a depth greater than 70
- Select all records which fall within a geographical bounded area of your choice (a region that has tectonic activity!).
Hint: for the last query you will need to define an area using four sets of coordinates and select events which fall within
these areas. Remember to tell me which area you have chosen in the text document
(whether it's a particular country, continent of region).
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