GEOG5870/1M: Web-based GIS A course on web-based mapping

Adding markers in

So, we have now started to improve the layout a little bit. However, the map is still fundamentally the same. The next thing we will do is to add some markers. This should be relatively straightforward as I've already got you to do this in Unit 2. However, we'll go into a little more detail here.

To create a Marker, we use the google.maps.Marker. An example of this is given below:

var marker = new google.maps.Marker(
      position: latlng,
      map: map,
      title:"Hello World!"

The process for adding a marker is fairly simple: we create a new instance of the Marker() object, and supply various properties:

These properties are supplied using the JSON '{key: value}' object notation: the Marker() initialization method takes one parameter, but that parameter is an object with multiple properties.

Assuming the example code above integrates into our map, we'd be using the same latlng variable that was created to centre the map. If we wanted to use a different location, we could create an additional LatLng type object, and use that instead. The second property is the potentially confusing 'map: map'. The first term here – 'map:' – indicates the property (of the Marker() object) that we are setting. Its parameter (the second 'map') refers to the name of the google.maps.Map() object that we created in the line:

var map = new

Note that the text supplied for the title property is a string object, and must be placed in quotes.


Without looking at the code for the marker we created in the first tutorial, can you put the above code in the correct place in your html file? Now assume that you wish to add a second marker. How would you do this?

Before you begin, save a copy of your work!

Creating a single marker (which so far, will not do anything useful, other than display itself on the map) is of limited value – what we need to do is to attach some information to the marker, and then look towards creating multiple markers, each with information attached.

However, before we do that it would be useful to re-consider the code of the example. It is growing in length, and now would be a good time to restore some order!

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