Student projects

These are some of the previous projects students on this module have created.

screenshot of software

Spatial Interaction Model

A Java application to analyse the market potential of a variety of retail products.

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City Transport Model

A Netlogo model looking at transportation issues within a city.

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Early Human Migration

A Netlogo model assessing different models for the rapid expansion of humans across Europe and the Americas during the Holocene.

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Twitter Feed Mapper

A Processing-based mapper of Tweets.

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Toolbox for Crime Prediction

An ArcGIS addin that runs a prediction model of burglary, based on the work of police in Manchester.

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Ecological Database System for Remote Workers

An online ecological database for a charity recording Biodiversity in Honduras, utilising js, PHP, KML, SQL.

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Social Network Analysis Tool

An application allowing the analysis of social network data for 'six degrees of separation' connections.

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ASC File Analyser

Provides details of ASC files and allows the easy merging of files.

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Police Patrol Model

A NetLogo model analysing the effect of different police car patrol route decisions on burglary levels.