[Framework practical 2 of 7]
In the Analyst class, after the code to fill and check the array, make yourself a double variable called "maximum" and set it to -1.0.
Below the code making your "maximum" variable and setting its initial value, implement the following algorithm:
(note: this is not real code - you'll need to work that out...)
// Loop through rows with index i.
// Loop through spaces on row with index j.
// if yourArrayName[i][j] > maximum, maximum = yourArrayName[i][j]
// End spaces loop.
// End rows loop.
// Print the final maximum to the screen.
A few questions with this: first, why do you think we make the maximum variable where we do? (think 'scope', and see last lecture) Secondly, why do we set it to -1.0?
Once you've got that working, under it, see if you can write more code to work out the minimum. What might you use as an initialisation value unstead of -1.0?
Once you've done that lot, you're done for this practical.