Getting started
[Introduction practical]

You should now be familiar with how to take a Java file, compile it using javac.exe, and then run the classfile with the Java Runtime Environment interpreter java.exe.

Given this, open up your text editor and have a go at writing, compiling, and running the "HelloWorld" program (info). It's traditionally where everyone starts, so it would be a shame not to. Remember to save the file with the right capitalisation and with the right file extention '.java'.


NOTE: If you go back through the course materials, you might find it useful to have or a file open in Notepad++ and the commands to compile and run it typed into the command box. That way you can quickly copy and paste code from the materials into a test class and see how it works (remember you can use the up and down keys to get back previous commands at the command prompt).



After you've got that working, we're done for this practical. In the next part and practical, we'll enter the mysterious world of the Geek, and start building up our main application for the course. For now, however, use your back button to return to the course homepage.