Introduction to Java Programming (WUN): Timetable

Course Schedule and Assessments

The following is a timetable for the current intake of students enrolled in this module starting in Oct 2015. It is strongly suggested that you spend one week per unit and stay on this target. The deadlines for the first two assessments are indicative suggestions only (though you'd be wise to follow them to gain feedback as you go). The final absolute deadline for all work is 2pm Greenwich Mean Time, Monday 4 January 2016.

Unit Topic Week Starting
1 Intro / Data storage 12 Oct 2015
2 Loops / Branches 19 Oct 2015
3 Methods 26 Oct 2015
4 Inheritance 2 Nov 2015
5 Packages/Exceptions 9 Nov 2015
6 IO 16 Nov 2015
7 GUIs 23 Nov 2015
8 Images / Wrap up 30 Nov 2015

Assessment Details and Deadlines

There are two formally assessed projects. As the practical code will form the foundation of your assessments, you should attempt the first only after you have completed Unit 5's practical, and the second only after you have completed all the practical materials, though you will be in a position to think about it after Unit 7. In addition, you may submit your practical code for formative assessment at the end of Unit 5's practical. Formative assessment means we'll mark it and give you feedback, but it won't count towards your final mark - the idea is that it gives you some indication of what we're looking for before you try the assessed projects.

Assessment Schedule

The table below is a suggested timetable for submission of the assessments:

Assessment Submission deadline
Unit 5 Practical Work: Framework for the projects 17 Nov 2015
Assessment 1: Image Processing (50%) 24 Nov 2015
Assessment 2: Processing Application (50%) Monday 4 January 2016, 2pm GMT