Assessment 2

Here's your final project details. Each project essentially takes the application you've been developing and adds functionality to it.

The programming project will make up 50% of your final mark.

You should upload a zip file to the VLE containing the following...

In line with the marking scheme on the assessments page, your code will be assessed on how much of the original specifications you achieved, the level and usefulness of comments and documentation comments, the code layout and ease of understanding, and the code efficiency and elegance. The Graphical User Interface (GUI: what the user sees) will be assessed for its elegance, ease of use, and innovation. If your project stipulates 2+ maps should be shown, this doesn't necessarily mean together - pick an interface you think works well.

Each project has a set of additional functions you could add to your application for extra marks. These are additional things you might like to think about doing if you have time. Obviously you can still get goods marks while not doing them, but if you think your project is weak in some way (your GUI isn't great, or you're not sure about your UML) these will bump your marks up a bit.

Here are the potential projects you can do. Good Luck!


Open projects

If you would like to do something specific, you can do an open project. Details of what is expected, and how far it can be linked with other work are given in the page below.