Project Contribution Form


(Additional information at http://avanade/intranet/hr/pf/default.asp or


Employee Name:




Skill Family/Level:




Project Name:


Review Period:






·          Reviewer determines performance expectations and goals at the onset of each project/review period.   Employee and Reviewer should complete the Project Contribution Form (PCF) when a project or review period has been completed, or at the end of the review period. 


·          These goals should be realistic and should be reviewed throughout the project or period of time.  More than one performance assessment may be necessary for longer projects.


·          For Core Services employees, the PCF may be used to track goals on a quarterly or annual basis or to wrap up a significant project. 


·          Employee should:

o         Enter your name, the project name review period and reviewer name in the spaces above

o         Section 1:  summarize the project (provide high level description)

o         Section 2:  describe your role more specifically

o         Section 3:  describe project goals in left most column (reviewer will fill out the right columns)

o         Section 4:  describe any relevant customer feedback


·          Reviewer should:

o         Section 1:  refine description of project if necessary or appropriate

o         Section 2:  refine description of employee’s role if necessary or appropriate

o         Section 3:  provide additional commentary and examples in the left column; assign an overall rating for each item

o         Section 4:  refine and/or add to employee’s description of customer feedback

o         Section 5:  assign an overall rating

o         Insert the date above, provide a copy to employee, and schedule discussion with employee


·          The Employee should:

o         Section 6:  if desired, add additional comments.  Comments are welcome, but do not change the final assessment

o         Return signed PCF to reviewer


·          The Reviewer should send the PCF to the employee’s HR Generalist.  Employee and Reviewer should keep a copy.


·          When new skills are attained or the project ends, employees should update their internal rιsumι and skills profile by using the Profile tools at:  http://avanade/intranet/learn (click on “My Profile” on the side nav bar).






Exceeds expectations

Performance in which quality, quantity and approach to work frequently exceeded expectations compared to their skill level expectations.

Meets expectations

Performance has met expectations on a consistent and sustained basis compared to skill level expectations. 

Does not meet expectations

Has not successfully met performance criteria set for either the project role or individual skill level.




Section 1.  Summary of Project: 







Section 2.  Employee Role: 






Section 3.  Assessment:



Does not meet expectations


Meets expectations



Exceeds expectations



A.  Project Goals (fill in as many as applicable): 







Reviewer Comments:       







Reviewer Comments:       







Reviewer Comments:       







Reviewer Comments:       







Reviewer Comments:       







Reviewer Comments:       









B.  Shared Values:





1)   Is customer obsessed.

• Customer Focused

• Active Listener

• Customer Value

• Simplicity

• Honor





Reviewer Comments:      




2)   Balances our stakeholder interests.

• Time/ Project Management

• Cost Conscious

• Flexibility





Reviewer Comments:      




3)   Treats people with dignity and respect.

• Communication Management

• Growth Enablement

• Role Model

• Flexibility

• Listening





Reviewer Comments:      




4)   Demonstrates a passion for technology.

• Technical Acumen

• Knowledge Sharing

• Self Development

• Innovation





Reviewer Comments:      




5)   Is results focused.

• Commitment to Task

• Problem Solving

• Decisiveness

• Success

• Initiative

• Action





Reviewer Comments:      




6)   Achieves through teamwork.

• Relationship Development

• Team Development

• Empowerment

• Teamwork

• Unified





Reviewer Comments:      




7)   Is committed to global excellence.

• Design Globally but Localize

• Continuous Improvement

• Avanade’s Vision

• Professionalism





Reviewer Comments:      





Section 4.  Customer Feedback:  (Provide any customer feedback that may be applicable.)






Section 5.  Overall Rating for Project:








Section 7.  Overall Comments: 





Section 6.  Employee Comments: 






Section 7.  Review Acknowledgement:






Employee Name/Date

Reviewer Name/Date