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Practice pieces

As you go through the course, you may find you want some example projects to cut your teeth on, but for which you can find some hints and/or answers. This page supplies some of these.

  1. Lecture: Introduction
    Hello you! – printing from the keyboard.
  2. Lecture: Variables
    Numbers – maths from the keyboard.
  3. Lecture: Containers
    String search – finding words based on punctuation.
  4. Lecture: Branching & loops
    Rabbits – using loops for population models.
  5. Lecture: Functions
    Encryption – using functions to encrypt and decrypt.
  6. Lecture: Classes
    Classes - agent class heirarchy.
  7. Lecture: I/O
    Synthetic landscapes – rather than reading data, make your own.
  8. Lecture: Modules
    Modules – doing statistics with the standard library.
  9. Lecture: Wrapping up
    Coupling & cohesion – refactor and restructure a script.

If you've done the lecture on the web and GUIs, you might also like to try:

  1. Web – hunting for n-grams.
  2. GUIs – drawing on a GUI.