- Web page for referencing some raster (grid) generalisation code originally applied for analyzing stream temperature data.
- The development was essentially part automation of a process for Jonathan Carrivick for a journal paper publication in peer review.
- The work was done in October 2010 and is an example of the use of the Grids and Generic library packages I have developed.
- Version 1.0 of the software was released on 2010-11-03 as open source under the GNU LESSER GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE Version 2.1.
- The software has been developed on Java SE 6.
- The grid data processed were 2D and Square Celled aligned in 384 rows and 1386 columns much of which was No Data.
- This code can be adapted to work on massive grids with hundreds of thousands of rows and columns with reasonably modest compute resource.
- I encourage anyone interested in applying and using this code to email me.
- Contents
Version 1.0.0