Geographically Weighted Statistics Home Page

Andy Turner


This library of packages began to evolve in the year 2001. Version 0.3 of the software is the first to be open sourced. The next release version 0.4 is planned for July 2005. Once there is a 1.0 beta release the plan is to move to a more open development. If you are up and running with the code and want to be involved sooner, then please email, the time might already be right to move this code onto sourceforge or codehaus. Many thanks in advance for your feedback.

Version 0.3 takes advantages of features of the Java 1.5 (J2SE 2 Platform Standard Edition 5.0) .


This software is covered under this GNU LESSER GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE Version 2.1 .

Version 0.3

The bundle contains directories for tests, data and Netbeans projects that can also be found from here in the usual places. Apologies, I am not up and running with Eclipse yet. Be warned that the test suites are by no means comprehensive. This code has not been developed in an open way or following an extreme programming approach. Arguably, this is the direction it should go, but this is not planned until a 1.0 beta release. If you want to get involved in development or are using this software, please email and hopefully what is best will be.


Thank you CCG , School of Geography and University of Leeds for your help and support over the years.

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