- Impromptu Modelling Meeting: To Talk About Getting the Model Going
- No computers were allowed to begin with
- On discussing what needs to be done it became clear that Mark and Andy had different ideas about what was going on!
- Mark was under the impression that Version 3 of the population initialisation was to operate only on households alone, whereas, Andy thought it was still to deal with Communal Establishment (CE) populations
- Andy and Mark scrambled for documentation
- Andy produced a print out of Andy Turner's MoSeS Meeting 2006-05-23 Page Version 0.1.1
- Mark emailed a copy of 2006-05-23MBDocument.doc
- It was made clear that Mark's document was the one that detailed what Version 3 was to be
- So, how to operationalise it?
- How to control (constrain) and optimise for household population counts using CAS data?
Upon re-inspection of the Census CAS data it again became clear that handling CE populations was probably the most appropriate way forward - as most of the variables wanted to be used in optimisation are only available for population counts (which include CE populations), not household population counts
Mark produced a copy of 2006-05-23MBDocument.doc which he had edited during the meeting on 2006-05-23 (laterly this was emailed on request and is stored as Mark Birkin's Population Reconstruction Model Word Document 2006-06-16)
It was decided that Andy would continue with what he had envisaged. The next tasks ahead are as follows:
- The aggregated MSOA tables are to be merged into a single table
- A convenience method written so that households populations (sets of HSAR records) for HRPs of specific age can be obtained easily
- A data handler written for CAS003 so that age profile optimisation can be done for age breakdowns of household and CE populations
- Optimisation and control constraints for age need re-working to take account of the difference in age grouping in the HSAR
It is still uncertain how long the program will take to develop and run
Significant development of code should be made in the next week.
It is not urgent to develop results for 2006-07-13 Meeting with Mike Davidge and Mike Robinson at East Leeds PCT. This meeting can be based on other work.
To wow Mike Robinson et al we really need a map of estimated LLTI change or something health related like that for 5-10 years hence. Clearly this requires not only the initialisation of the population, but also the dynamic simulation.
- Andy is to report on progress by email on 2006-06-22
- Andy is to communicate with Mark if any major problems are encountered in the mean time