- Events:
- WWW2010
- Open Knowledge Conference (OKCon) 2010
- AGI Northern Group Event - 15th April
- Presentation 1: Open Street Map - How to Contribute and Use
- Presentation 2: Experiences of MapAction in Haiti
- GISRUK 2010
- A one - day CASA conference sponsored by the ESRC: Advances in Spatial Analysis & e-Social Science
- 5th EGEE User Forum
- JISC Conference 2010
- Events on the horizon:
- International Congress on Computer Applications and Computational Science (CACS 2010)
- The 11th IEEE/ACM International Conference on Grid Computing (Grid2010)
- Sixth International Conference on Geographic Information Science (GIScience 2010)
- 3rd World Congress on Social Simulation (WCSS 2010)
- FOSS4G 2010
- JISC Inovation Forum 2010
- GeoWeb 2010
- Second Open Source GIS UK Conference - OSGIS 2010
- 36th Annual Conference of the International Association for Social Science Information Service and Technology (IASSIST 2010)
- European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2010
- Future Research Directions in Agent Based Modelling
- eSI Workshop: The Influence and Impact of Web 2.0 on Various Applications
- e-Science
- Getting example random traffic model working
- Browsing
- Miscellanea
- Completed Travel Survey for University of Leeds Staff 2010
- Teaching
- GEOG3600
- Scraping houseprice data for George
- e-Science
- Browsing
- e-Science
- Debugging demographic model
- Teaching
- GEOG3600 Meetings with Matthew and Tom
- e-Science
- UKBuildingGeometry
- Examining corner definition
- How to improve roof identification using geomorphometrics?...
- ...
- Coding Mortality and Fertility so that BigDecimal and BigInteger pseudo-random numbers can be used
- Browsing
- Miscellanea
- e-Science
- Preparation for eSI Workshop: The Influence and Impact of Web 2.0 on Various Applications
- Workshop details
- My abstract: GENESIS Web 2.0 Agent City Simulation: Getting users and allowing them to control/guide Agents and model development
In GENESIS we are developing models of cities where each person is modelled as an
Agent. There are currently two temporal resolutions/scales of model: One ticks in seconds and
runs for days, like a traffic simulation; the other ticks every day and runs for years, like a
demographic model.
Currently the traffic simulation model is based on commute to work journey information from
the 2001 Census, and OpenStreetMap data. This provides a basic level of traffic, but clearly
misses many journeys. Anyway, Agents in the model are assigned shifts for working and they
move from a home and back to a workplace based on these shifts, which are made up. Now, we
want to develop a way for potential users to take control of Agents, initially those representing
themselves and input their locations and journey purposes.
With the more demographic model where time ticks every day, so again there is an opportunity
for Agents to be specified more by feeding from other available data for births deaths and
migrations some of which may again be user contributed.
- Further preparation
- Email GENESIS colleagues...
- ...
- Background work to migration simulation
- Browsing
- e-Science
- UKBuildingGeometry
- Sent brief (overdue) communication to David from OS about progress
- e-ISS
- Developer chat
- Defining study region
- ...
- Coded pregnancy initialisation
- This involves running a yearly simulation.
- Birth, death and migration are not simulated in this, only pregnancy and miscarriage.
- A slightly modified miscarriage method ensures nobody is born.
- This simulation is run for a set number of years (on a daily time step).
- At the end of each year the Time and all the due dates are reduced by a year.
- UK specific Mortality, Fertility, Miscarriage
- Browsing
- Miscellanea
- Thought for the day
- In Euclidean geometry: Given a location and an orientation, then an angle and distance then one can specify that location in terms of axis coordinates.
- e-Science
- ENFOLD-ing: Explaining, Modelling and Forecasting Global Dynamics
- Configuring my GENESIS programs to run on NGS hardware (and other Grid/Cloud resources), so that others can run them
- Teaching
- GEOG3600 Dissertation Support Group Meeting
- e-Science
- Browsing
- e-Science
- e-ISS
- Face2Face Integration Meeting Day 2
- Added basic mother-child heredity into Demographic Model
- ...
- Developed a method to generate Age/Gender plots post simulation run
- e-Science
- Preparation for JISC e-Research Roadshow 2010-04-21
- Modelling social interactions and environments: advanced techniques for the Arts and Social Sciences - UEA Library, 21 April 2010, 9.30 - 2.00
- Social Simulation: A Geographical Agent Based Modelling Approach with Individual Human Agents
- Overview
- Introduction
- GENESIS modelling
- Demographic model
- Traffic model
- e-Research support
- Next steps
- Feedback
- Introduction
- Andy Turner
- Generative e-Social Science for Socio-Spatial Simulation
- A second phase research node of the UK National Centre for e-Social Science funded by ESRC
- http://www.genesis.ucl.ac.uk/
- National e-Infrastructure for Social Simulation
- JISC Information Environment Programme 2009-11 project
- http://www.neiss.org.uk
- To build a generic production quality social simulation e-Infrastructure covering the social simulation lifecycle
- Geographic Agent Based Modelling
- Geographic
- About interaction on or near the surface of earth
- Space-time-attribute
- It is about people and their environment
- Agent Based Modelling
- Distinguishes an Environment and Agents that operate within it
- Environment
- Provides the overall spatial and temporal extent and detail
- Has distributed attributes which are seeded and then developed as a result of agent interaction
- Agents
- Individual entities that may interact both with other agents and with the Environment
- Individual Human Agents
- Digital demographic representation of a person
- Universal characteristics
- Date of birth
- Location
- Memory
- Current activity
- Scheduled activites
- Default behaviours
- Example additional characteristic
- Home location
- Preferences
- ...
- GENESIS modelling
- Demographic model
- Traffic model
- e-Research support
- Next steps
- Feedback
- http://www.uea.ac.uk/is/news/eresearchroadshow
- http://www.jisc.ac.uk/UEAroadshow
- http://www.jisc.ac.uk/whatwedo/programmes/inf11.aspx
- http://www.jisc.ac.uk/whatwedo/programmes/inf11/einf/neiss.aspx
- Event Cancelled!
- e-ISS
- Face2Face Integration Meeting Day 1
- http://portal.ncess.ac.uk/access/wiki/site/40470002-c536-4520-9223-645ddabbeb4b/neiss_f2f_apr_2010_agenda.html
- Chat with Neil and Tim about my GENESIS Models
- I explained the basic inputs and outputs for the demographic and transport/traffic/commuting models and described my thoughts about how they might be used a by others and coupled together.
- We thought it best to focus on the transport/traffic/commuting model and:
- Allow other census data users to run this for other parts of the UK and obtain output.
- The key steps are to get the user to upload a configuration file and possibly output from a previous run and then schedule and execute the model.
- The model would then run and notify them when output was available.
- I had a more detailed chat with Tim to think about the data inputs and outputs and what is wanted in terms of configuration file
- Thinking about Tales of Things
- http://www.digitalurban.blogspot.com/
- Many things have identifiers, but for those that don't there are QR codes that can be generated for them.
- Vehicles and animals often have unique IDs, so the story of these things can be collected and they are of interest.
- Browsing
- e-Science
- e-ISS
- Debugging for network precision issues in Traffic Models
- Browsing
- e-Science
- Debugging for network precision issues in Traffic Models
- e-Science
- Debugging for network precision issues in Traffic Models
- Browsing
- e-Science
- UKBuildingGeometry
- Dealing with ArithmeticExceptions in geocorrection code
- Coding so simulation outputs can be seed to new simulation
- Done for Demographic_Aspatial_1
- ...
- ToDo List
- Code to read/write a configuration file specifying parameter variables
- Demographic
- Add Heredity so that children keep a record of who their mother is and mothers keep a record of their children.
- Add Patertnal relationships
- Marriage/partnership
- Spatialise
- Debugging for network precision issues in Traffic Models
- Browsing
- e-Science
- UKBuildingGeometry
- e-ISS
- Meeting with June Finch about GLS
- The GLS service developed for the NCeSS e-Infrastructure for the Social Sciences Project is not working
- Junaid spent considerable effort to try to get this working again at the end of 2009, but it did not happen.
- I think it would be best to implement from scratch an OGC Table Joining Service.
- It is a good time to start this work, but I'm not sure if I want to do it.
- Developer Chat
- Manchester Congestion Charge
- ...
- Debugging for network precision issues in Traffic Models
- Browsing
- Miscellanea
- e-Science
- UKBuildingGeometry
- Coding geocorrection methods
- Got a test case working, now over to Jin to see if he can integrate the code...