- Events:
- Those I am planning to attend/attended:
- DCC Evaluation Focus Group Meeting
- Other relevant events:
- 4th GRID & e-Collaboration Workshop - Digital Repositories
- e-Science
- DCC Evaluation Focus Group Meeting
- Browsing
- e-Science
- Preparing for Think Tank event on "Data Capture, modelling, and visualisation for ubiquitous LBS"
- http://www.nottingham.ac.uk/cgs/projects_os.html
- Andy Turner Short Position Paper detailing potential think tank contribution, expectations, vision and research interest emailed to Suchith Anand
I am a researcher based at the University of Leeds specialising in computational geography and e-Research.
I am part of the UK National Centre for e-Social Science (NCeSS) and work on its second phase research node called GENESIS.
This work concerns generative social simulation and draws together work on two of NCeSS first phase research nodes MoSeS and GeoVUE.
MoSeS is on-going, and has a focus on modelling and simulation of contemporary demography.
While MoSeS focussed on data access and integration and dynamic agent based modelling, GeoVUE focussed on the geographical visualisation of urban environments.
Drawing this work together in GENESIS seems a reasonable way forward, but there are many challenges ahead.
In the last few years there has been a mass market adoption in geospatial technology coupled with a huge amount of geographical information being made readily available.
The mass market demand has driven rapid development of data, tools and data uses.
There has been much innovation and so much has developed that it can be hard to appreciate all that is available.
It is hard to know the effects of the global economic slowdown on the pace of change in geospatial technology, but whatever, there is still a lot I want to review to catch up and I doubt the pace of change will slow so much that I will be able to put my finger on the current state of the art.
New applications and devices which allow people to record details of daily life and their environment abound.
It seems like data storage is provided for free and devices are relatively cheep and becoming more useable, functional and capable.
What are the limits to what is given for free and where this is leading is unclear.
What is clear to me is that we should collaborate. Collaboration is key not just to e-Research, but to government, society, our future.
In 2005, nearly 4 years ago exactly I was introduced to the brave new world of e-Science and Grid Computing at a meeting of SIM-UK hosted by Ordnance Survey.
That meeting seems like an age ago and I have learned a great many things.
I look forward to sharing some of my experience in e-Research and in developing e-Infrastructure and collaborations at the Think Tank.
I understand Chatham House Rules, but I can help to capture some of the meeting to facilitate.
- Browsing
- e-Science
- EUAsiaGrid
- It seems latest code is working...
- Testing 128 processor job and code completion:
- https://ngs.leeds.ac.uk:64290/10179/1235473136/
- Browsing
- Miscellanea
- Read Newsletter
- Read minutes of the All School Staff Meeting 2009-02-16
- e-Science
- Catch Up Meeting with Mark
- Agenda
- Funding
- Events
- MoSeS Portal
- PhD
- Date of next meeting
- AoB
- Notes
- Our last Catch Up Meeting was on 2009-01-29
- Going through agenda
- Funding
- While we wait to hear back from JISC on the NCeSS led A2 proposal everything is on hold...
- Events
- Andy's plans to attend forthcoming events
- DCC Phase 2 evaluation Focus Group Meeting
- Catania
- Nottingham
- Edinburgh
- Taipei
- Various things on the horizon...
- Mark event headsup
- Paul Williamson running a seminar series sponsored by ESRC
- Didn't find any details of this online...
- MoSeS Portal
- Paul to make progress...
- Suggested an incremental move of portlets to the NCeSS Sakai Portal...
- PhD
- Meeting on Thursday
- John Bryden liason
- Feedback on presentation
- RSG report
- Andrew Crookes got HHSAR license
- Mike wants me to share the london data for 2001 with a view geolocating individuals into residential buildings as discussed previously with Andrew
- Andy to get email confirmation from Andrew and follow up this work...
- We looked at some potentially useful variables from the HSAR:
- acctype
- roomsnmh
- density
- hhsgind
- lowflor0
- tenureh
- (stapuk,termtime
- Alison using the NCeSS Sakai Portal :-)
- Next GENESIS meeting
- Andy to provide Mark with a report...
- Date of next meeting
- AoB
- Kangeroo court
- Not an open or well designed hearing from Mark's account :-(
- I wonder if it really served any purpose...
- Preparation for DCC Phase 2 evaluation Focus Group Meeting 2009-02-27
- The Focus Group is being organised by the DCC Phase 2 Evaluation project team, led by Terry Morrow of Tee Em Consulting working alongside Julia Chruszcz (also a consultant) and Kevin Ashley who is Head of the Digital Archives Department at ULCC.
- Intention is to feed into the evaluation report produced for the JISC.
- Background
- The Digital Curation Center was established in 2004 and initially funded by the JISC for three years.
- Funding for a further three years (Phase 2) was agreed in 2007 following an externally moderated self-evaluation.
- The current evaluation is taking place about a year before the end of Phase 2.
- JISC Invitation to Tender for the Evaluation of Phase 2 of the Digital Curation Centre can be found via the following URL:
- Any continuation in funding beyond 2010 is dependent, in part, on the results of this evaluation.
- More information about the DCC and its partners can be found at their website:
- DCC Phase 1 evaluation:
- Background check :-)
- Submitted application to become a DCC Network Associate
- http://www.dcc.ac.uk/associates/
- Listed my "...main issues and concerns about digital curation..." as:
- Best practice, automation, to enable data integration for investigating problems whilst controlling publication/output dissemination to prevent information leaking for inappropriate use.
- This went through...
- EUAsiaGrid
- Code refactored to solve an IO issues
- Awaiting test by Alex/Gabor...
- Browsing
- Miscellanea
- DIY Questionaire
- http://www.surveymonkey.com/s.aspx?sm=hbDv1y0FpNBBYQBR8iAbyQ_3d_3d
- Here is some screen capture and some of my responses:
- This survey would be interesting to some NCeSS colleagues :-)
- It would be good if this sort of survey would allow you to take a copy/link to a copy of your responses
- I don't see exactly this feature, but there are some share features with survey monkey:
- They could even give the responder control over how public their response can be...
- e-Science
- Meeting with James Raymer
- Looking forward to our collaboration...
- EUAsiaGrid
- Testing
- https://ngs.leeds.ac.uk:64082/1358/1235149692/
- Browsing
- e-Science
- James Raymer Seminar
- UK NHS and Census data
- Main software used is S+
- Feedback/discussion
- Discrepancy in Gender Age Migration
- Theories
- Armed Forces, Overseas workers, Prisons, Hospitals – does it all add up...
- Testing with better data
- CIDER collaboration
- International migration and turbulence in the economy in the last year or so
- EUAsiaGrid
- Browsing
- e-Science
- Seth Bullock seminar "Visualization for Complex Adaptive Systems"
- http://www.ecs.soton.ac.uk/people/sgb
- Seth agreed to make his presentation slides available, but caveated that he might need to edit them slightly to give propper reference/acknowledgement :-)
- The Eye of the Beholder
- Even the experts have trouble defining what it is, or they say it escapes definition ;-)
- To the Naked Eye
- What are the aims of visualization?
- Complex systems resist:
- Need to move from interesting to informative
- Consensual metrics
- How to measure complexity?
- I Am A Strange Loop
- Mereology
- Small World Network Properties
- Integration
- Is high when one part of the system says a lot about another part
- TSE complexity
- Simple structure does not preclude complex dynamics
- Problems with TSE complexity measure
- Complexity science is in the observation stage, we are seeking patterns and only dreaming of laws :-)
- EUAsiaGrid
- Browsing
- Miscellanea
- Mike Kirby Seminar: Computational Methods for Quantifying Uncertainty in Biological Modeling
- http://www.comp.leeds.ac.uk/scicomp/Seminars/080902/kirby.shtml
- Simulation science error budget
- Assumed Hilbert space of Random Fields
- Norbert Weiner
- Related to Stan Weiner?
- Foundation for Generalised Polynomial Chaos with Hypergeometric Polynomials for different Probability Distribution Functions
- Stochastic work has similarity with spectral methods work
- Conductivity of gunk :-)
- Poor mans Monte Carlo parameter study
- Sweep using end points and midpoints for each parameter
- Analogous geographical examples:
- Earthquake/Seismic monitoring
- Where to locate sensors/sensor control…
- Stochastic Collocation Method
- Main assumption is that there is no major changes occurring during sampling simbiosis
- e-Science
- Set up a Facebook Group for RELU and started a discussion about their use of the NCeSS Sakai Portal:
- EUAsiaGrid
- Produced a snapshot jar release for Gabor to test against:
- There is a File IO issue...
- Browsing
- Miscellanea
- Biosystems Reading Group
- Gutenkunst, R.N., Casey, F.P., Waterfall, J.J., Myers, C.R., Sethna, J.P., (2007) Extracting falsifiable predictions from sloppy models. In Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences 1115:203-211 (2007).
- e-Science
- Interview with Yuwei Lin and Meik Poschen
- Browsing
- http://atlas.agr.gc.ca/
- http://www.nfis.org/
- http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Googolplex
- Ordnance Survey Think Tank Session on "Data Capture, modelling, and visualisation for ubiquitous LBS"
- 2009-03-17, Nottingham, UK
- Part of a research collaboration between CGS and OS
- 10 experts drawn from a mix of academic, commercial and industry backgrounds.
Selected experts may be invited to give brief presentations but in each case significant time will be allocated for discussion
and open exploration of likely developments and potential consequences.
- The meeting will operate according to Chatham House rules
- http://www.chathamhouse.org.uk/about/chathamhouserule/
- The Chatham House Rule reads as follows:
- "When a meeting, or part thereof, is held under the Chatham House Rule, participants are free to use the information received, but neither the identity nor the affiliation of the speaker(s), nor that of any other participant, may be revealed".
- The world-famous Chatham House Rule may be invoked at meetings to encourage openness and the sharing of information.
- Miscellanea
- PC Crash Nightmare :-(
- About 11am, computer back up by 11:10am...
- OK, so what was I doing...
- e-Science
- JISC A2 Bid
- EUAsiaGrid
- Invesitgating what File IO is causing permission denied
- Browsing
- Miscellanea
- PhD
- Continuing feedback discussion with René Jordan about proof, validation, verification and trusting models and policy
- Proof is only possible in abstract mathemeatics :-)
- In policy making the decisions can be made:
- By people and organisations that come up with a theory and driving it through policy into practice. (That could be a tautology! - Point is that say, civil servants do it)
- It is slightly different when the options are layed out to debate and vote in a more democratic way.
- In either case a lot of trust is put in the peoples ability to come up with good theory.
- Modelling and simulation we can argue as helping in this kind of process.
- It's hard to see policy making being fully automated...
- e-Science
- JISC A2 Bid
- EUAsiaGrid
- Made latest MoSes code available for Gabor:
- Browsing
- PhD
- Supervision meeting...
- First Year Postgraduate Seminar Presentation...
- e-Science
- Working at the weekend...
- Working at the weekend...
- Browsing
- Miscellanea
- Ordnance Survey Geomorphology Contract Draft in
- JISC A2 Bid
- e-Science
- Malcolm Atkinson visit to the White Rose Grid
- Nectise, MoSeS/GENESIS, COLAB Meeting
- Seminar
- Catch up meeting with Pascal via Skype :-)
- Catch up meeting with Junaid
- Looks like he might get involved in security work on the NCeSS lead JISC A2 Bid
- Junaid and Wei work on Guanxi-Shibboleth-Sakai integration can help support this.
- Pascal Ekin has a good idea for peer-to-peer authentication via shibboleth protocols :-)
- Manchester partners worry about doing work and not getting payment/recognition:
- Too much worry I think, we are working together, worry is inefficient :-)
- NeSS
- Preparation for the project meeting 2009-02-12
- Browsing
- Miscellanea
- UoL
- Voted for 5 nominees to the 6 senate posts
- e-Science
- Browsing
- e-Science
- The "Grid Computing & Geospatial Technologies" workshop is part of the ongoing collaboration of the Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC) and the OGF in the field of geospatial grid computing. It will cover case studies from the geospatial domain (e.g. disaster management, civil protection, geospatial modelling etc.) which significantly benefit from technologies related to grid infrastructures.
- The workshop will be held at the OGF-25/EGEE User Forum
- 2009-03-02 to 2009-03-06, Catania, Italy
- The event program is not yet final
- Current draft schedule
- The workshop will focus on discussing how the paradigms of Spatial Data Infrastructure (SDI) and Geo Information Systems (GIS) can be integrated into grid middlewares or cloud computing infrastructures. It is expected that specialists from the field of SDI/GIS-Research and Development as well as specialists in the field of Grid-/Cloud-Computing will contribute reports on ongoing projects.
- People involved in the current funding phase of the OWS-6 (OpenGIS Web Service Initiative) will give insight into the current state of standardization of geospatial webservices with special regards to grid computing.
- The workshop offers a great opportunity to share ideas, discuss technical problems and explore future funding possibilities.
- Organizations and individuals working in these areas, and all areas of geospatial data processing, interested in presenting their work, discussing their requirements, and pursuing joint efforts for running code and rough consensus, are encouraged to send an title and abstract to:
- Christian Kiehle
- Bastian Baranski
- Christopher Kunz
- Junaid submitted a paper abstract on which I am listed as a co-author to:
- The Fourth International Conference on Internet and Web Applications and Services (ICIW 2009)
- It is based on our security work and similar to the paper abstract submitted to The 5th International e-Social Science Conference
- JISC B1 Bid
- Time to establish a consortium and take aim...
- I think we could tie together Map Templating, Cartograms (which benefit from being represented in linked interactive displays or with a movie warping style) and Collaborative/Social Comment on abstract map data wikimapia style tools in a common framework
- This could link with the EDINA GRADE system and DIaD work and be portal based like all the NCeSS lead JISC A2 Bid shinanigins?
- I'm hoping Andy Hudson-Smith will lead this and that we can encourage EDINA to join us...
- JISC A2 Bid
- Sent out emails to tap people for Letters of Support...
- eReSS: e-Research Tools and Resources Interoperability project
- Should look at Rob Allan's feedback on this...
- Meeting with Paul
- Paul trying out Taverna 2
- We hope that with Taverna 2 the output of one service (which could be a complex data type) can be directly input into another without having to split everything up to primitive components and build it back up again into whatever complex type is best to work with in the service.
- If all the splitting etc is still in it then we should investigate why... It could be there is a valid reason for it working this way
- Paul suggeted it might be so as to handle multiple services witht he same name, but I don't really follow that...
- I'm looking forward to finding out how Paul gets on and mentioned that Sean Bechhoffer might be useful in liaison with Taverna 2 developers.
- It looks like Taverna 2 will not yet integrate into a portal as developing this seems to be being specified as part of the NCeSS lead JISC A2 Bid.
- Browsing
- Miscellanea
- Liaison with Mark Reed who is working with Pete Edwards...
- Suchith Anand added me to the discussion list for ICA Working Group on Open Source Geospatial Technologies :-)
- e-Science
- JISC A2 Bid Telecon 4pm
- Accepted invited from Julia Chruszcz to DCC evaluation Focus Group Meeting 2009-02-27
- NeSS
- January 2009 Status Report