- GLS status report
- GLS client report (would like to cover the xsd/geotools/OGR issues in here, security as well)
- IE testing requirements
- Performance tests
- OGC Liaison
- Consortium Agreement
- Dissemination, eg, AHM
- GLS status report
- XSD holds all attributes for GDAS and GeoTools seems to have problems with this:
- Andy to try and find out who maintains GML stuff in GeoTools and liaise to see if this is a GeoTools problem or a GML specification peculiarity (probably a GeoTools implementation issue).
- OGR being embedded with OGSA-DAI in the server.
- Convert activity with OGR using streams a potential for OGSA-DAI.
- WPS status documents being used for tracking progress.
- GLS client report (would like to cover the xsd/geotools/OGR issues in here, security as well)
- Images working for canadian data
- Malformed XML
- XSD request document from OGC should help
- Paul happy to plug away and try to get the GML rendering with GeoServer/GeoTools working.
- IE testing requirements
- We should report on the wiki what we find out.
- Paul already identified a couple of issues with Canadian GLS Client
- Performance tests
- Feedback on email from Michael... Need to look at this again...
- OGC Liaison
- WPS subject to electronic vote for full implementation specification.
- We are unsure about the GeoLinking WPS Profile status
- Gail asks about implementing OGC Catalogue CSW as she is looking into this for satellite data
- GeoNetwork implementation advised as a ISO19115 application profile (reference implementation)
- There is crossover here with a Geospatial WG meeting...
- Chris going to help Gail by writing an email summarising EDINA CSW work.
- Consortium Agreement
- Alison Turner Keen to get this tidied up
- Dissemination, eg, AHM
- Chris arranging with Alison Turner to do a demo on JISC stand.
- Ally will point to this from OGSA-DAI end.
- OGSA-DAI scalability issues that Pascal identified.
- Concerns raised about not being able to track how issue being dealt with.
- Mid Project meeting to take stock of what we've got
- Chris to circulate some dates.
- Security
- Junaid Arshad at Leeds working on Shibboleth installation with GridSphere.
- John initiating a federation for this on the back of doing the same for other projects.
- Fiona Culloch of SDSS available for providing advice.
- Other countries moving to use Shibboleth.
- Permis for authorisation type security on the back end servers.
- Shibboleth for filtered views of the ack end service at the user end.
- John to do a survey about this.
- Creating a policy to explain needs on a project is the harder part:
- One way to do this is generating an XACML document.
- Noted that there is a GEOXACML - a geospatial extension to the OASIS standard eXtensible Access Control Markup Language (XACML).
- Implementing a policy is the easier part.
- WPS Vanilla http requests
- WPS SOAP requests
- GeoRM
- Gate keepers...
- John looking at how Permis fit with this:
- VOMS have their own certificates X509 certificates with an extra bit on the bottom saying you can do a,b,c.
- EGEE and Terragrid using VOMS?
- Chris well report back to us on a follow up meeting from OGF20 in Paris.
- Andy to send round feedback from Ken Miller email.
- Next meeting Friday 27th July