OGC GeoLinking IE
- Aim: To produce a OGC Geospatial Linkage Service (GLS) Specification.
- Coordinator: Peter Schut
- Working with others as a UK SEE-GEO Consortium we have this brief.
- UK SEE-GEO Consortium working on the GeoLinking IE
- Description of Work for UK Partners (MIMAS, EDINA, NCeSS)
- Developing a GeoLinking Service (GLS) for a Geolinked Data Access Service (GDAS) developed by MIMAS/NCeSS, and a GDAS or Web Feature Service (WFS) developed by EDINA/NeSC.
- At the University of Leeds (UoL) as part of on-going work on the NCeSS MoSeS Node and NCeSS e-Infrastructure project we are to develop a Use Case
and a Client which consumes output from the GLS.
- This is eScience work involving researchers and service providers at EDINA, NeSC, MIMAS, NCeSS and is also wrapped as part of the JISC OGC Grid Collision.
- The work is to take place from 2007-01 and should take a few months.
- There is no funding specifically for this work, but it's in the remit of on-going projects.
- We are tackling a problem sooner rather than later and as a collaboration with commensurable benefits.
GLS Client
- Paul Townend's generic GLS Client Code is available under a liberal open source license via the following URL:
- User interface similar to GLS Client Application by University of Nottingham and GDC (developed by Hongliang Li), complete with a dummy JSR-168 compliant java application:
- GLS URLs used to test:
- GDAS URLs used to test:
- By pressing the right buttons, the NCeSS MoSeS GLS Client gets a map of Spain showing some regions and some numbers, presumably human population count.
- Canadian NFIS GLS CLient
NCeSS Use Case
Action List