- Web Page for organising information about the Taverna Workshop 2008-02-04 in Leeds.
- Contents:
- Designing and Executing Scientific Workflows with Taverna
- An Introduction to Taverna Workflows
- I found the following on the web while the one specifically for this workshop was passed around on a data key:
- The first time I ran the runme.bat nothing happened, but the second time it started working, but failed. Running from a command shell seemed to get things a bit further...
- Ran through nearly all the basic tutorial before lunch.
- Some feedback on the advanced section:
- Find all the workflows containing BLAST searches.
- How did you find them?
- How many are there?
- Can they all be downloaded?
- Which is the most downloaded workflow?
- Which is the most viewed workflow?
- What research interests does the VL-e group have?
- Shared workflows with the rest of the Tutorial Group on myExperiment, uploading them and setting the permissions so that those in the 'Tutorial' group can see them:
- Added a workflow backing up most of the mornings work :-)
- Modified workflow and I think it is as it should be now :-)
- Unfortunately, due to a fault, no others could see the workflows I added :-( although it was clear to them they existed and I checked that they should have permissions for this :-)
- Katy is going to look into this with her colleagues as there is a fault with the system.
- Tried adding a further Example Workflow , but for some reason this failed on the two attempts made.
- Feedback/discussion
- Shiv Kaushal pointed me to
- Katy informed us that (Active)BPEL is also supported by OMII:
- How is ActiveBPEL different to OMII-BPEL I wonder...
- David Withers working on security aspects:
- Taverna 2.X is due out in a month or so and should be stable by the end of June.