GEOG5870/1M: Web-based GIS A course on web-based mapping

Changing the marker appearance

Image icons

By default, markers are always drawn with the same icon. However, it is easy to provide a new icon for use when drawing markers.The same icon object could be used for multiple points, or, on the other hand, it would also be possible to include additional fields in the map data file to reference different icons for each point. The example below shows usage of a Marker() declaration which includes an addtional parameter specifying an alternative image to be used for the icon – in this case a icon showing an exclamation mark. As written, the script will search for the image file in the same directory from which the script was loaded. There are many collections of free icons on the web, see for example:

var marker = new google.maps.Marker({
   position: myPos,
   map: map,
   title: myTitle,
   icon: 'exclamation.png'

Use of alternate icons

The approach used here is a simple way of changing the icon used for markers. There is also a more flexible approach, using the google.maps.MarkerImage() objects. Using these, we create a new image object as an instance of MarkerImage() (supplying various properties), and then use that image as the value for the icon property when we create the marker (as was done using a filename in the example above). The MarkerImage object offers precise control over placing of the icon relative to the defined location. As well as setting the icon property for a marker, we can also set a similar shadow property to supply the name of an image to be drawn behind the marker as a shadow.

Dynamically generated icons

A different approach to creating and using custom markers is to use dynamically generated icons. Just as the icon property of the marker can be given the name of an image file, it can also be given a URL which will return an icon. It is entirely possible to use a URL which will dynamically generate an image, given some input parameters. The following listing shows the source code for two functions: a revised version of addMarker(), and a supporting function called genHex().

Code for the file dynamicmarker.js.
function genHex(){
   colors = new Array(16);

   digit = new Array(5);
   for (i=0;i<6;i++){
      color = color+digit[i];

   return color;

function addMarker(myPos,myTitle,myInfo) {

   var marker = new google.maps.Marker({
      position: myPos,
      map: map,
      title: myTitle,
   var infowindow = new google.maps.InfoWindow({
      content: myInfo
      marker, 'click', infoCallback(infowindow, marker));

The genHex() function generates a random string of 6 hexadecimal (base 16) values. Hexadecimal is often used to represent colours on the web: red, green and blue values are represented by three pairs of hexadecimal values, each pair of hexadecimal digits representing decimal values between 0 and 255 (as with everything to do with images, cutting out three extra characters can save a lot of space in some situations). Here's some examples:

FF0000 : Red
00FF00 : Blue
0000FF : Green
000000 : Black
AAAAAA : Mid grey

The function also illustrates two methods available in the JavaScript Math object – round() and random().

The second part is the revised addMarker() function. This has three changes compared to previous versions. Firstly, there is a call at the top of the function to our new genHex() function, which will return a random colour designation. This is followed by our next new line:

myLetter = myTitle.substring(0,1);

myTitle is a string passed into the addMarker() function to provide a caption for the marker (and a title for the infowindow box). It is a string object, and here we use substring(), one of the methods attached to the JavaScript String object to extract the first letter from the title (we have specified in this example the substring from position 0 to position 1 in myTitle).

The final change is in the modification of the icon property in the Marker() declaration. We have set the icon property as:'+myLetter+'|'+myColour+'|000000

Here, we are using another API provided by Google, the Chart API. This API can dynamically generate a variety of different sorts of graphs and charts, and can also generate map pins. For icons, the specification is fairly simple: we must provide:

The icon type we have used is 'd_map_pin_letter'. The details are separated by '|' characters, and are the value of myLetter (the first letter of myTitle), the colour string generated by our genHex() function, and '000000', the colour specification string for black, which we want to use as the outline and text colour. There are many sorts of icons that the API can generate; for details see the Chart API site.

Task - This map forms part of the portfolio submission

Revise your addMarker class to set new options for the marker.

  1. Try using a new icon. Create a small image in a graphics package if you wish, or find an icon elsewhere on the web.
  2. Optional: Modify your map set up code to create a dynamic marker using the code above.
  3. If you have time at the end of the course, come back here and have a look at the Chart API in detail and experiment with different icons etc.

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