Context has been established with the aim of promoting the use of case materials in higher
education and employment. Case materials are designed to meet the needs of students for
group working, decision making and experience of work. They are based as closely as possible
on real work situations and issues (in business, government and the voluntary sector).
Context cases aim to give students work experience without going to the workplace.
Context Case Studies have been developed and used in modules in the
School of Geography and with many other groups.
Context Case Studies may be used by any academic with students in Higher Education. Download and adapt and enjoy. It is helpful for us to know when the cases are used, an email to letting me know you are using a case and any feedback, would be much appreciated.
For further information please contact:
Dr Pauline Kneale, School of Geography, University of Leeds, Leeds, LS2 9JT
Dean for Learning and Teaching, National Teaching Fellow
Context - Managing a Career in Academia
This Context case looks at some of the issues for people aiming to develop a balanced career in academia. It is written for people intending to follow this career path, current PhD students, post-doctoral staff and staff in the early years of their careers in a University. It has been used in UK Graduate Schools, University staff development sessions with postgraduates and new staff, and in Careers workshops.
Context Case Materials
- A Chair in Ten Years - Getting promotion. This activity takes some real but disguised promotion criteria from a combination of University Human Resource sites and asks participants to imagine they want to apply for a Chair in 10 years time. The outcome should be a clearer understanding of how promotional procedures operate and the start of an action plan to achieve their longer term career goals. It should encourage participants to look at the current promotion criteria in their own institution and prompt a planned approach to promotion over the period of choice.
- Getting the Balance Right. This activity rehearses a Faculty Promotions Committee to decide whether an application for promotion to Senior Lecturer/ Principal Lecturer should be supported. The activity involves a semi-scripted role-play for 7 people with a larger group acting as observers.
The pack also contains some support materials including 'A Letter to a New Academic' by Iain Hay.
The follow up Power Point 'Managing yourself, managing change, managing time' was developed following comments from participants.
Context - Enterprising Intrapreneurship Case Studies
Context Case materials
- Creating intrapreneurial teams (Word doc) – A case study looking at the need for teams and their strengths and weaknesses. Draws on Hickson and Welch as preparatory material. Includes the SWOT process. Either 3 hours or 2.5 hours with pre-reading.
- What a Brilliant Idea powerpoint (Word doc, Powerpoint) This case study links to a real example of innovation by Proctor and Gamble. It asks participants to develop their understanding of how a company encourages innovation from within. In the process participants develop a product idea of their own and stage an ‘Innovation Fair’ to market it. Time: 2 * 3 hour sessions, the first session could be shortened.
- Save the Children – Making a Difference (Word doc) This case study is based on a real situation for Hope Cooper innovating for fund raising o 9/11/2001. She works at Save the Children Fund, she is an intrapreneur. The case materials help participants understand how intrapreneurs operate, what motivates intrapreneurs and how to create and deliver a presentation, which needs to be clear, concise and enthusiastic, under considerable time pressure. 90 minutes
- Green Business Networking (Word doc) This case encourages lateral and creative thinking around a series of projects that can be linked by devious routes. Networking and discussion skills are enhanced. 3 hours.
- Intrapreneurial tactics: Where are your opportunities for intrapreneurship? (Word doc) An introduction to intrapreneurial tactics. This activity asks participants to use their own experience to consider the opportunities and barriers to being intrapreneurial in their own sphere of operation. Either a 90 minute session or 2*50 minutes.
- The innovation process – business review questions (Word doc) This case explores some of the opportunities and constraints for managers at Jugglelink Inc in looking for new and innovative changes. It uses a real situation but you are not asked to suggest solutions for Jugglelink Inc. This case is about creating the process, deciding what questions to ask and then how to proceed so that innovation can occur.
- Not the suggestion box - The Thomas Chadwicks Experience (Word doc) This case study asks participants to look at how an organisation can address the issues of innovation and communication. How they can create a climate that encourages innovation. Skills include discussion, communication, networking, creating and promoting ideas. Time 3 hours (a 1+2hr version is possible)
- An Intrapreneur’s Story: Education Officer and Senior Ranger (Word doc) This activity asks participants to consider the experience of one young intrapreneur currently working in a ‘country park’. It may be used as a tutorial or group discussion exercise with participants preparing in advance by reviewing the ‘intrapreneur’s story’. Estimated time: Pre-reading and reflection c45 minutes; tutorial or larger group discussion c45 minutes.
Shorter items
- Updating your skills (Word doc) Participants research the opportunities for updating their skills by researching the need for a specific skill within their chosen organisation and locating a range of ‘training’ or ‘updating’ opportunities. This module can be used in research mode, as a follow up exercise with or without assessment, or as the basis for a series of presentations or posters. Estimated time: 15 minutes to introduce. Research time (1-3 weeks). Presentations / posters / videos will depend on class size.
- Interviews: Preparation for Networking (Word doc) This short exercise is designed to help participants think about the way they approach interviews and to consolidate ideas about preparation and networking. The skills here are those required in preparation for any meeting, interaction with clients and the more generic application of the ideas should be stressed. Runs in 15-20 minutes
- Icebreaker: Creative thinking for intrapreneurs. (Word doc) This session is designed to be used in 15 minutes to get groups talking and valuing each other’s creative ideas about intrapreneurship. It is based around brainstorming.
- Intrapreneurship: a role for graduates. (PowerPoint lecture with full text) This has optional interactive games for the class to play. 50 minutes. The user will need to select from the interactive options to fit the time.
- Intrapreneurship: a brief introduction (PowerPoint lecture with full text) c20 minutes. This is a very factual introduction . It could be used as a part of an introduction to 3 hour case study, or in conjunction with shorter activities eg. Interviews: preparing for networking.
Additional items
Context - Hydrology and Geography Case Studies
Sponsors 1999-2001 cases
For parallel cases based around political & diversity materials please see